Week 5- City of Richmond…OCEAN

My boss, Reggie Gordon, is central to the operations of the city of Richmond. He connects so many different organizations, people, and departments and must ensure that are people are on track to achieve their goals. Since his role requires so much interaction and connection, I wanted to analyze his falling on the Big 5 OCEAN traits, which are openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. I think understanding his falling on these traits will help understand how he operates and how he works as a leader. First, Reggie is incredibly open. His entire job revolves around strategizing, brainstorming new ideas, learning what works and what fails, and being creative in these ideas. He is very independent, as most of his day he is in meetings alone and making decisions alone… Reggie could not fall higher on an openness scale. Second, Reggie is very high in conscientiousness. Since he is a connector (as I call him), he must be organized and efficient with his time and meetings. He definitely has help with me and his secretary Brandie, but is also inherently diligent. Third, Reggie is extroverted but not intensely extroverted. He could not do his job if he was not extroverted in a way because he is constantly interacting with people all day. However, he definitely does choose to keep to himself when he can and is a little soft spoken. However, I do not think that this aspect of his personality detracts from his work. If anything, I think it helps him because when he speaks and when he is pushing something, you know it is important. Fourth, Reggie is very agreeable. He is easy-going, comfortable, and very empathetic. He needs to be agreeable in order to hear that policies are not working and talk to different people across the city to make change. Lastly, Reggie is not neurotic. He is very consistent and secure. If he is “all over the place” and anxious, there is no way that he could effectively remain goal driven and push others to do the same. Overall, I think that these traits represent Reggie except for Neuroticism and Extroversion up to a certain level. I think that his falling on Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness, and his level of Extroversion reveal his efficacy as a leader and his ability to get the job done.