Week 5: Personal Contributions

Everyday I learn something, if not many new things, all while helping to contribute to the Office of the CEO team. The OCEO is in charge of internal communications for NYLIM, strategy and special projects. I am currently working within each of these branches. One of the “special projects” at the moment is the return to work plan. NYL has yet to return to the home office since March of 2020. There are a lot of logistics to sort through as it pertains to getting employees back in the office. Many are not excited and are fearful of returning to what they picture as a crime ridden area (Midtown). So, the OCEO has set out to counter this narrative and is trying to get people excited to return to the office. There are a couple of employees who have started to work in the office one day a week to get back into the swing of things. One of my contributions thus far has been to reach out to these individuals who are going into the home office and ask them to video blog (vlog) their commute into the city. This way, fellow colleagues can see what the trains, subways, and streets look like during a random summer Tuesday or Thursday. So, once they send me their clips I have been creating short videos that piece the clips together with fun music and then get them ready to post on the company wide “intranet”.

I have also created a calendar that the OCEO is using to plan and stay organized as it pertains to return to work events. The company is trying to plan fun events to welcome everyone back into the office and to recognize all of the hard work put in during the pandemic. Another thing I have been working on is a return to work focus group with the human resources business partner, Diane and my manager.  We want to get managers together for a focus group to see what resources and support they need and just to put feelers out for how people are feeling as we plan to return to working in person three days a week.

There are many other contributions I have made so far, but this week has mostly been spent on return to work planning and logistics!