week 5 theories in action

After my fifth week interning with the Virginia Housing Alliance, I had the opportunity to work in the office located in Richmond. At this point in time, most employees continue to work remotely, with the exception of the executive director, Brain Koziol, who comes into the office daily (other employees come in only on occasion). I enjoyed the change in work style and dynamics that working in person has shown me. In-person work has allowed me to further observe the leadership styles present within Virginia Housing Alliance. A theory that I find that well aligns with the leadership style at the Virginia Housing Alliance is Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory, specifically the S2 coaching style. This specific coaching style is when the leader focuses communication on both goal achievement and supporting subordinates’ socioemotional needs. Coaching also requires the leader’s involvement through encouragement and soliciting subordinate input. I find that this relates specifically to my work relationship with the executive director. As an intern, he assigns me tasks and some guidance, and I return the work to him. Yet, simultaneously he is there to educate me on some background information on the subjects I research and suggest sources to investigate and compare to. I find that his trust in me being able to get the work done combined with his support in showing me how to do so is extremely helpful and allows me to be productive and enjoy the work I am doing. I also found that with covid and remote work, this specific leadership style had been lacking. There was less face-to-face time where we would just talk about some related legislative history or previous affordable housing proposals. With in-person work, there was more information provided to me and more coaching style techniques used which I enjoyed. I would hope that more employees begin to return to the office so there can be this more collaborative style that should serve as the core of this organization. I would also be interested in observing the worker to worker relationships in person as opposed to how I see them interact virtually.