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Week 4: Organizational Culture

Being in the office for part of every week has given me an amazing glimpse into the organizational culture at AlphaSights. The lively office is filled with interns, trainers, and additional individuals who have opted to come into the office for the summer. With restrictions lifted in New York, we have been able to have many more events and communicate more frequently and easily.

Every day, the culture amazes me. Everyone in the office makes a conscious effort to support each other and make it both a fun and productive place to work. It seems as though everyone truly values making friends in the office and individuals seem truly invested in the success of their peers. People are always excited for weekly office events where we can spend an hour away from our desks and talk about non-work related things!

A strength of the culture is the friendliness within it, as it helps to perpetuate a healthy work environment. I feel as though the culture fosters both mental and physical well-being among employees. Full-time marketing employees on my team are encouraged to take personal development days, serving as a way to further an individual’s personal career. The company truly cares about the long-term health and success of its employees and its shows through clearly in the way the management team structures the organization and its initiatives.

Company employees mainly use Slack and email to communicate with each other. The slack channels are easy ways to communicate office events and to shout out employees that have done something special. This fosters a strong working culture by including individuals across different teams in office news and professional development milestones.

A strength of the culture is how open individuals are to new ideas and innovative thoughts. I have seen this across my team and segments I have been able to shadow. Individuals are always looking to learn and never afraid to try something new to generate positive business results. The organization can continue with this strength by continuing to offer events weekly for employees to participate in. These events allow individuals to meet people across different units and serve as great stress relievers throughout the week.  The culture at AlphaSights has been one of my favorite parts of working for the company so far as I have been able to feel supported by my peers while working hard in a fun environment.