Organizational Category

Week 1- Organizational Culture at VADCR

Although my first week interning for the VA Department of Conservation and Recreation was remote, the work I’ve been doing is very interesting. Our current project is to compile lists and risk assessments of invasive plant species from the Mid Atlantic states, and find out what factors are used in order to consider a species invasive. Most of that has involved putting a lot of data into Excel and seeing the same species over and over again (fun fact, a shocking amount of plants you may know are invasive), but also calling the state agencies that make these lists to ask about their assessment criteria.

I’m working with Dr. Heffernan, a stewardship biologist for the DCR, and even though I’ve had experience with this kind of research before, I was still nervous to start work. We weren’t both sitting in a Zoom call together for six hours a day, so I was pretty much left to my own devices in terms of how I should approach the research. Although it was a bit daunting at first, probably because I’m so used to the strict oversight of doing research for a class, I actually really enjoy this relaxed attitude. Dr. Heffernan is always available through email if I have questions, but relying on my own knowledge and experience about this research has allowed me to take more initiative. I don’t need to worry about daily check-ins to see if what I’m doing is “right”, because at the end of the week, my effort will show through the work that I’ve put in.

I was also nervous to call other agencies, because I wasn’t sure how receptive they would be to my questions. Each state is different, but usually invasive species fall under a Department of Natural Resources, Agriculture or Natural Heritage, so I call whatever number is listed on their website. It turns out that I didn’t have to worry- everyone that I called was happy to help my research. This has been my experience talking/working with people in the environmental field; everyone is just excited that you’re interested in something they’re working on and are more than happy to share their knowledge. This kind of culture is one of the things I love about this field, as I know that other industries and fields can be much more secretive and rivalrous.