
Evyn Magenbauer- First Full Week at Ashlawn Medical

What I have observed so far working for Ashlawn Medical is the positive work  environment that everybody at the company contributes to and experiences.  Ashlawn Medical is a durable medical equipment distributer company for Breg bracing products. There are 4 regions across Virginia that Ashlawn Medical distributes in: Roanoke (SouthWest VA), Richmond,  Virginia Beach  and Charlottesville. Tim Rose is considered “the boss” and oversees everything that happens throughout the 4 different regions. Marlene Crockett, my site supervisor, is considered the Richmond Regional Manager. Zach Owen is considered the Roanoke Regional Manager and Grant Farmer is the Charlottesville Regional Manger. Each of these people oversees accounts in their areas while also working with other other employees that help them out. For instance, Zach works with Matt and Jordan in Roanoke, Grant works with Kyle in Charlottesville, and Marlene works with Tommy in Richmond. Will is on his own in VA beach since the region is rather small. Even though they work in “sales” everybody is given a salary (do not work on commission) and is required to follow standard protocols in billing, insurance, and sales. I have worked with all of these people listed above and have gotten to observe how they approach their jobs. Each person is different and likes/dislikes different aspects of the job, however, one thing they all have in common is their love for Tim Rose.

Tim Rose creates the perfect work environment. Everybody loves him and respects him not just because he is very good at his job, but because of who he is as a person. One person said it best, “ya know, this job comes with a lot of hassle dealing with insurance companies but Tim Rose makes it all worth it.” Tim genuinely loves and trusts all of his employees. He is not about recruiting people based off of their credentials, he focuses on them as people. Working in this business, it is easy to be only commission-focused instead of customer-focused. Tim, however, is the total opposite. Matt once said to me, “one time I drove to 2 hours away to Whithville Virginia to an old ladies house to fit her a brace. When I got there I realized that she already had a brace from the past that was our competetors that could help her in the same way. Instead of selling her our $700 brace, I just fixed the one she already had in order to save her money and help her out. I drove 4 hours and missed out on benefitting for me. When I told Tim, he did not mind because that is the level of customer service that we standardize. That old lady thinks highly of our business and although she did not buy from us last time, next time she might.” That story really opened my eyes to the culture that Ashlawn Medical has cultivated. Every employee feels valued and treats each other so well. Tim trusts his employees and is always available to help. The work environment is one of independence. He does not hover over you. He allows you to do your job and contact him if you have any trouble. He is not selfish or transactional at all. I think his leadership style also is in place because of the people he hires. He hires very down to earth/trustworthy people that makes it easy for him to lead them and form great relationships. Ashlawn Medical truly is a team and is the most healthy/effect workforce environment I have ever seen. I am truly blessed to be learning from a strong organization like this one.