
Week 3: Personal Contributions

As part of the AlphaSights intern program, each intern is given a trainer and a manager. This structure allows individuals to feel supported at all times. In addition, we are each given a personalized “intern syllabus” to follow each week of our internship. Although this seems very structured, which it is, there still seems to be room to grow and explore in ways I desire, working on my own projects and leading my team by challenging ways things are currently done.

This week, I have begun working on a personal project for my team. I am exploring the ideal customer profile for our company so that my segment of the organization can best target specific users and gain new clients that way. This has been an exciting project for me to work on since I am able to choose which data to sort and pull in order to find trends between clients. Although there has been much trial and error in which data may be useful, it has been valuable to take initiative of a project and spearhead movement forward.

In addition to working on this project, I have been scheduling several coffee chats to get to know people on my team. This has helped me learn more about the organization I am working for and how individuals with different roles are positioned within it. I have been able to share my personal thoughts and goals for the internship with other team members, helping me tailor my experience.

Going forward in my internship this summer, I hope to spearhead more initiatives like the project I am currently working on. I feel as though taking leadership and initiative over projects big and small will only contribute to my growth as a professional and an AlphaSights community member. On future projects, I will make sure to ask questions and continue to challenge ways things are currently done. I will continue to take action and be proactive in order to get myself on new projects and corporate initiatives, expanding my knowledge of a wide variety of tasks and topics.

Overall, I feel as though this week has been a turning point in my internship where I am not only learning how to do things but actually putting knowledge and new skills to action. I am excited for the rest of my internship where I plan to take leadership and continue to work and explore new projects both personally and with my team.