
PSEG- Week 1

Last week I began my internship with PSEG in the State and Government and Affairs Department, based in New Jersey as a remote intern. The first week comprised of getting to know my fellow interns, HR orientation and training, and getting the remote technology situated. I am on a team with two other interns, and we report to the external specialist of the State and Government Affairs department. We are dealing with the external affairs, meaning the Board of Public Utilities, the NJ State Legislature, and the Federal Government, just to name a few. This internship is primarily virtual, however there has been some talk about getting together in person for small events as the pandemic continues to get better in NJ.

One thing that was key in the HR training that every intern at the company completed was learning the history and the overall impact of the company. PSEG, or Public Service Enterprise Group is the parent company of PSEG Power, PSE&G, PSE&G Long Island, and PSEG. PSE&G and PSE&G Long Island are the utilities that handle electric and gas for over 6 million customers in NJ and Long Island, NY. PSEG Power is a fuel- diverse fleet with nucellar, fossil, and a growing renewable portfolio. PSEG is the corporate side of the company, where I am working, which oversees all of the subsidiary companies, houses HR, legal, leadership, stakeholders, etc. I thought that this was the most useful part of the training because it made me realize how my actions as an intern can impact so many different areas of a company, and millions of customers who rely on PSE&G to supply reliable energy.

Although the first week was mainly training, I was also able to attend a few meetings with the State and Government Affairs team. Throughout these meetings I was able to get a sense of how all of the team members respected one another and relied on one another to complete their jobs. The State and Government Affairs department touches every part of the company, and it is clear that every person on the team is working towards making the company better. Overall, I had a very good first week at PSEG, and it was very clear that everyone at the company wants the interns to make the most out of the internship and learn as much as they can, which I really appreciate.