Solving Problems/Improving Leadership

Solving Problems/Improving Leadership: Early Insight on Improving Leadership

As I finish my second week on site with Resolute Management, I would like to preface this by saying I have greatly enjoyed my time so far. I do, however, have a couple of suggestions for how some things could be improved. First and foremost, I have discovered during this internship just how applicable my Jepson education is to just about any industry. As a leadership studies student, I have seen first hand the effects that collaboration and open dialogue between leaders and followers can have on an organization (or a classroom). I have found that in classes where I have had an open dialogue with teachers and other students, I am more engaged and learn more. Although it is early on in my internship, so far, at Resolute, I have found their to be minimal meaningful dialogue between members of the organization. While this is largely due to the current circumstances in which there is little person to person contact, as a leadership major it is my job to try and open this dialogue and help the organization in any way I can. If the work environment becomes more collaborative, it is my belief that the relationship between leaders and followers in the organization will ultimately improve (more ideas will be heard, people will feel more comfortable generally), helping the organization as a whole.

Building on this idea, I think (up to this point) there has been an under-use of leadership abilities. Having talked with my supervisor regularly, I know that she and others have a great extent of knowledge that would be highly beneficial for me in my work. To be fair, up to this point my work has consisted of primarily simple excel work, not requiring to much assistance. However, as I move along, I would love to get some more personal instruction (even if it is just a short amount of time) with regard to how to get ahead on certain projects, or other tips and tricks. By bolstering the level of leadership provided in this way, I will ultimately be able to work more efficiently and require less direction in the future. Overall, as I said, I believe I am working with a great team, but as with anything, there is always ways to improve leadership!