Who Will Win The Presidential Election?

I believe that Joe Biden will win the 2024 presidential election. One of the biggest reasons I believe this to be true is because although neither Trump nor Biden are very popularly admired, I would argue that Donald Trump is more widely disliked, as he has said and done many questionable things in his time under the spotlight, which has led to many people in the United States holding a very negative opinion on him. Along with this, Trump is currently facing 91 criminal charges across 4 cases, and not only that, but it is in the light of the media everywhere, which is so popular and powerful today that so many people get their news from it, and I believe that the citizens who see these posts will definitely aim to steer clear of voting for Trump. Another large reason that I believe that Biden will win, simply involving who he is up against, is the fact that when Trump was president, he was impeached, and with the whole nation knowing this, and knowing that the reason for his impeachment was soliciting foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructing the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony, I would be incredibly shocked if the general public voted to elect him. Selecting someone as president means you are picking them to lead your country, and more importantly, you are putting your trust in them, and Trump has directly shown our nation that he cannot be trusted, while he was president. Joe Biden has run against Donald Trump before, in our last election, and won, and although very much has changed since that election, I believe Trump’s loss then speaks measures to our nation’s distrust in him, and their tendencies to default to the other option after Trump’s mistakes, which still stay with him today.