The American Dream

Chapter 1 of The Struggle for Democracy explores the foundations of democracy and its implications. At its core, democracy is an form of government that involves rule by the people, free and fair elections, and equity among its citizens. The American Democracy is a “unique experiment,” as over 200 years ago the framers revolutionized government by creating an entirely unique formula for a well organized republic. The America we live in today is the product of those ideas, and while we tend to criticize the political climate around us and the efficacy of our elected officials, there are some instances where America can be a beacon of opportunity and liberty.

Yesterday, President Donald Trump took a stance on what to do with America’s “dreamers,” or people who came to the US illegally as children. After previously declaring that he would deport these people or would not allow a path to citizenship, either a change of heart or political opportunism has caused him to reconsider. He will provide a path to citizenship for 1.8 million immigrants. This plan prevents the immigrants from deportation and allows them to apply to become citizens within 10 to 12 years permitting they have steady jobs and have not committed any crimes. The current protections for these dreamers allotted by Obama’s DACA plan is set to expire in March, and with Donald Trump’s renewal of those protections, it seems the American dream will persevere. This appears to be an instance where democracy is working. Given the framework that a democracy has popular sovereignty, political equality, and political liberty, this is an example of it. Here the concepts of political equality and political liberty are at work. Political equality applies to citizens and states that they must be viewed as equals in the eyes of our government. Here this status is extended to illegal immigrants, and thus is not just an example of democracy but of the unique concept of America as the promise land for immigrants. Political liberty is at work too, as many Americans have used their right to free speech to advocate for pro or anti immigration statuses. Whether or not the government has factored this into their decision, the protesters and demonstrators have not been persecuted for their actions. This is democracy at work.

However, this plan has concessions. Bureaucracy is also at work in this case, as Trump has traded protection for dreamers with funding to build his promised wall.

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