Hello Fellows!

I’m sorry I’ve been a bit out of touch. This has been a WEEK! It’s been simultaneously highly stressful and totally boring… #LousyCombinations

In this post I want to update you all on how we’re approaching next week’s switch to remote instruction, which will probably involve a lot of &^#%$&#%#&%.

But as Drew reminds us, “We’ve got this.” #GoodRemindersFromDrew

I’m using a list format in the hopes that it will make this information easier to digest. Let me know if it doesn’t:

  1. Please confirm that you’ve received my email, via email. I’d love to hear back from you with confirmation of receipt and answers to my questions by 5pm today. 
  2. In general, I’ll be using email to communicate since the amount of information I have to share is prohibitive over texting. Please do confirm receipt and respond quickly to emails, especially during this transitional time. I’m nervous that stuff isn’t going through and I don’t want you all to disappear. You’re the Fellows! I want to make this period a success for you.
  3. Since we are only 10 and most of you report reasonable internet, I’m hopeful we can use ZOOM for synchronous teaching. Could you meet online during our usual class time on Tuesday (3pm EST), adjusting if you’re in a different time zone? Let me know if we can try next week and adapt if it isn’t feasible.
  4. Please install ZOOM on your laptop/computer/ipad/mobile phone: https://spidertechnet.richmond.edu/TDClient/1955/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=100515 We’ll use it for one-on-one meetings even if we can’t try to meet as a whole class. I’ve linked a Student Guide to Zoom. Spend some time this weekend familiarizing yourself with the format.
  5. I’m in the process of updating the course blog with information, assignments, and the like.
  6. Would you would be available to do a practice ZOOM session on Sunday afternoon (3.22) at 4pm EST? If we can get a good sized number I’d like to try it out. I could then record that session so those who couldn’t attend could get the information. Let me know.

There will be more soon, but I want to avoid a TL;DR situation. So this is enough for now. REMEMBER: communicate with me! Keep me posted. I want all of you to be successful and productive as we deal with this next phase. The questions I’d like you to answer in your email are:

  1.  Confirm your email
  2. Can you meet on Tuesday during our class time?
  3. Can you do a practice session on Sunday at 4pm?
With affection,
Dr. Cheever