Hello Fellows!

We hope you’ve had a wonderful, inspiring, and restorative spring break and that you’re ready to come back to campus with reinvigorated purpose and focus. We are entering a very busy time for the Fellows program. This post will update you on the next few weeks, culminating in our site visit to D.C. (As you might imagine, this process is bringing out the control-freak in me; please be patient with my need to work through details …)

  1. In class on Tuesday, March 19th and Thursday, March 21st we will have two visitors: Dr. Lidia Radi, associate professor of French and Italian, and Sara Cone, from Career Services. There will be no daily assignments for these two days–instead, you should be working on:
    1. Your literary analysis paper, due Monday, March 25th at 5pm;
    2. The curation assignment;
    3. Your bibliography assignment for the final research proposal (assignment prompt to come).
  2. We have posted the Curation Assignment prompt for the D.C. trip under the Assignments page. Please read it over and bring questions on the assignment to class on Tuesday, March 19th.
  3. On Thursday, March 21st, we will go over details for the D.C. trip. I’m hoping to have the itinerary for you to look at in the next few days.
  4. The Migration: Contested Spaces of the Mediterranean conference runs from March 24th – 26th. In a separate blog post, we have posted the parameters for our involvement in the conference. Please look over the schedule and come to class on Thursday having selected which events you will attend.

The second half of the semester involves a great many moving parts and a lot of independent work. It’s going to require advanced planning and time management on all our parts. This is an excellent opportunity for you to practice your skills at organization, long-term planning, and follow through! Remember: we should be 🐢, not 🐇 … steady work and sustained performance will win out over a last minute dash every time!



Dr. Cheever