Category Archives: Departmental Talk

Gardiner Talk

Heather Gardiner’s talk regarding patient eligibility for kidney transplants raised questions about using BMI as surgery criteria and challenged disparities in transplant access. Minorities are disproportionately effected by kidney disease, largely because of greater risk for diabetes and hypertension, with … Continue reading

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Dr. Heather Gardiner

I enjoyed Dr. Gardiner’s talk on Friday. I learned a great deal about chronic kidney disease. For example, I was unaware that it is a silent disease and how big of an issue it is. I wasn’t surprised to hear … Continue reading

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Dr. Gardiner Psychology Dept. Talk

Dr. Heather Gardiner’s research in the field of Kidney Transplantation, BMI and Patient eligibility is very intriguing and opens up the door for a field of study that needs more research, thought, and nation-wide program implementation. The most interesting statistic … Continue reading

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