Author Archives: Jessica Patel

Class Overview

For this past semester, I have learned more about the behavioral and psychological components of health, illness, and healthcare.  At the beginning, we went through some basic concepts such as the history of health psychology, design study methods, and the … Continue reading

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4/16/2018 Speakers

Today, two speakers came into class today with varying degrees of experience and different focus areas within health psychology. One was a graduate student working on research about how educational settings can affect student health while the other worked with … Continue reading

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Guest Speaker: Heather Gardiner

This discussion was very informative and interesting! Dr. Gardiner presented her research on how a provider’s perception and policies on BMI affect a patient’s eligibility for kidney transplantation. Study one explored provider attitudes for BMI as an indicator for eligibility … Continue reading

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Chapter 14 & 15

The first chapter focuses on how experienced stress and trauma can affect one’s chances for increased morbidity and mortality risk.  The case study on Phillip shows that when working overseas in the Pacific and facing danger from combat, morbidity for … Continue reading

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Chapter 12 & 13

Chapter 12 helps the reader develop an understanding the importance of a social network in relation to life longevity. In the chapter about religion, we saw that the social benefits of religion were more likely to be related to having … Continue reading

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Chapter 10 & 11

Chapter 10 examines whether there’s is a relationship between one’s career and longevity. In essence, those with the most job success (defined in multiple ways: money, status, or prestige) were usually the least likely to die young. The chapter talks … Continue reading

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Chapters 8 & 9

Chapter 8 explores the common conception that exercise leads to longer and healthier lives. While this is true, what makes the statement true is having consistency with exercising. Furthermore, there are other external factors, like having a healthy diet, that … Continue reading

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Chapter 6 & 7

These chapters emphasized the importance of events that occur during our childhood that impact our longevity. Chapter 6 reveals that those who had an early start in their education are not going to necessarily live longer. For example, Phillip lost … Continue reading

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Ch 4/5

The following chapters focus on the optimists and the catastrophizers. Throughout life, a lot of us are lead to believe that if we focus on improving our happiness, we will physically be in better shape. However, that is not the … Continue reading

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Chapter 2 Reflection

Chapter two reveals the link between conscientiousness and longevity.  This makes sense as those who are disciplined in their lives attempt to accomplish the goals that they have made. It is interesting to see how the personality trait changes in … Continue reading

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