Category Archives: Uncategorized

One Empire, One Language (Linguistic Oppression in the German Empire)

  Linguistic Oppression in the German Empire by Ernest Barker further illustrates a vivid picture of the German man’s imposition of his values, his kultur, and his supposedly superior identity onto those he ruled; he does so by using language … Continue reading

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Christian Liberators or Jingoistic Racists?

I dug through Ottoman box, finding pamphlets that were American in origin and discussed the United States’ responsibility in the war in relation to the Ottoman Empire. At first, these pamphlets seemed straightforward: The United States had a responsibility to … Continue reading

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National Woman’s Liberty Loan Committee

“Report of  1917” was the title of  the pamphlet that intrigued me immediately. The pamphlet, a product of the Treasury Department, presents an extensive report in three parts about the efforts of a women exclusive committee to raise Liberty Bonds … Continue reading

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The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy

I chose to look at a pamphlet dated October 1918 that was part of the War Information Series of the Committee on Public Information.  The German-Bolshevik conspiracy was a collection of communications between the German Imperial government and the Russian … Continue reading

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The 4th of July in London: Americans & Brits Coming Together

For my Great War Pamphlet, I chose a short booklet from Great Britain entitled, “The Fourth of July in London.” I was interested in this pamphlet the minute I read the title. I immediately wanted to know why the British … Continue reading

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A Letter of Hope in a Time of Despair

After having perused through several pamphlets from the Galvin Rare Book Room, I selected one entitled “From French ‘Mascots’ to their American ‘Godfathers’”. Published by the American Red Cross in 1919, this document reveals the translated letters that were exchanged … Continue reading

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A Headline for A Policy on Headlines

Along with “Rural Education in War” and “Mobilizing the Country Home Garden” as seen below, I chose to study a pamphlet of this same series entitled “Our Headline Policy”. This particular pamphlet was written by Henry Bedinger Mitchell and released … Continue reading

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The pamphlet I chose to explore is titled Mobilize the Country Home-Garden, written by Roscoe C. E. Brown and published in 1917 by the Division of Intelligence and Publicity of Columbia University. Mobilize the Country Home-Garden was published in the … Continue reading

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Liberty Loans

The pamphlet I chose to write this blog post about is called the “Liberty Loans / Guaranty Trust Company of New York” written in 1917 by the Guaranty Trust Company of New York. The bank to display their commitment to … Continue reading

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Rural Education in War

  The pamphlet I picked to examine is “Rural Education in War,” written by Warren H. Wilson and published in 1917 by the Division of Intelligence and Publicity of Columbia University. This pamphlet was published as part of the Columbia … Continue reading

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