Introduction to Geography 280

To begin, I am a junior science major and am very interested in expanding my academic body. I found my Australian summer course in geography very informative and exciting. Working with highly functional maps and GIS tools was interesting to me. Learning the basics of ARCGIS and mapmaking was valuable knowledge that I have found myself using more than I could have ever imagined. After getting my foot in the door with the software technology, I was able to start basic conversation with people spanning many professions. I talked with a social anthropologist that used GIS systems to map out and track the US aid packages to Cairo. I talked to a charter-fishing captain that used similar technology to map the migration patterns of seasonal big game fish as well as bait. And possibly the most unlikely encounter with a GIS specialist was when I met an Uber technician who used GIS technologies to help manage surge fair pricing. So after being able to glean some introductory knowledge of GIS technologies, I found myself connecting with a surprisingly vast amount of professionals from vastly different fields. After these experiences in the past few months I decided to learn more about the technology and the application to make myself a more rounded and interesting individual.

By the end of this semester, I would like to be able to expand my knowledge of GIS technology and be able to visualize, more clearly, all the possible “real-world” applications. I think this subject field has already become a vital part of our culture and is represented in most technology and professions today. Furthermore, I believe that there are many applications for the technology that have not yet been fully realized. As chemistry major and a pre-dental student, I hope that I can find uses for this technology in my future professional field.

About Robert Higgins

University of Richmond Class of 2017
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