Why Maps & Geovisualizations?

In this course, I hope to expand my geospatial skills and learn new visualization technology. In my introductory GIS class, we touched upon cartography principles and map making. But we only made maps in ArcMap which has very limited functionality and is not the best for making “pretty” or dynamic maps. I’ve also picked up some skills and tools in map making throughout my other geospatial experience. However, I think I still have a lot to learn and that I want to learn in geovisualizations which is why I decided to take this class. In the past, I have taken introductory GIS and Advanced Spatial Analysis and spent a summer interning in the Spatial Analysis Lab. This semester I am taking Advanced Spatial Analysis again and still serving as a SAL intern.

In this course, I hope to learn more about CartoDB as a geovisualization program. I also hope to gain more exposure about visualization possibilities. I have learned about some helpful map making tools such as Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS. I have a little bit of experience with CartoDB, but I know these is a lot more to learn and I can gain a lot more experience. I hope this class overall helps expand my geospatial experience and repertoire to help me in my future career endeavors.

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