Lena Lee – Intro


My name is Lena Lee and I am a sophomore. I live in Burke, VA and I originally came from South Korea 9 years ago. I am going to major in healthcare studies and I just decided on it last semester. In high school, I enjoyed taking psychology, environmental science and English. But studying maps is something I have never done before. I also had the opportunity to teach the elderly how to use smartphones, (including the GPS system) and computers at a retirement home for 2 years. My worst subject is history, because no matter how hard I tried or try, I cannot get that perfect A. My least favorite subject was math, even though I was not so horrible in it, because I had an awful math teacher in 9th grade and she ruined the subject for me.

A little bit about myself: I am an introvert and talking to people takes a lot out of me and I have to rest alone in my bed to regain my strength. I like watching shows, listening to music, knitting, going on long drives, and I LOVE sleeping. When I forget to do my homework or am late to class, I might have little panic attacks here and there and I almost always dream about being late to class or forgetting my homework on Mondays. I hate getting ready in the morning or going to class on Fridays, but I still love being a college student and having a flexible schedule without being told what to do all the time. From now, I want to volunteer at a retirement home again and I also want to help high school students who don’t have the means to go to SAT/Act prep classes to do well on their tests.

Back to the course: I have almost always skipped maps in textbooks and did not care very much before coming to college, But taking classes in college requires a lot of map reading and I want to know more, and plus, this class counts for one of the classes that I could take in my major. Maps of people’s background, health problems, teenage pregnancies, etc. came up very often in healthcare studies class and it made me very curious. What I hope to get out of this class is just to have a better idea of how to make maps and where to get the information to make them. I think that this class will help me a lot if I were to get a job later on in my life after graduating or doing any research projects. I hope this class can make me appreciate maps more when I am reading any kind of articles or watching any presentations. I may get lost often in class, but I will give it my best!

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