Interest Meeting!

We will be holding a virtual interest meeting on Monday, August 17 from 6-6:20pm. Visit us on Zoom here. We look forward to seeing you!


FGLS is looking for new leadership for the upcoming year, if you are a 1L or 2L student, this is a great opportunity for you to be in a leadership position for next year!  If you’re interested, please send a brief (1-2 paragraph) candidacy statement to Julia Ziegler or Ka’Turah Francis by Thursday, March 5th.

The positions are:

President: The president is responsible for coordinating with the rest of the board, coming up with events, and finding speakers and individuals to reach out to for events.

Vice President: The vice president is responsible for working with the president on event planning. The vice president should expect to order food for events or take over other coordinating responsibilities.

Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for securing funding for events and communicating with the SBA about funding. The treasurer needs to be in touch with the president and vice president to make sure the organization stays on track and does not go over budget but should also be willing to be an advocate for the organization when more funding is needed.

Secretary: The secretary will be the voice of the organization and will be in charge of publicizing events. The secretary should be prepared to send out emails and keep the members informed of what is going on. The secretary will also be responsible for taking minutes at board meetings.

Director of the Clothing Drive: The director of the clothing drive will be responsible for overseeing a committee of members who will maintain the clothing drive. They should be prepared to delegate tasks such as maintaining the clothing drive website, facilitating collection and distribution of clothes, cataloging the collection, and anything else that is needed to sustain the efforts.


Please feel free to reach out with any questions.


Things to know!

Spring semester is time for grad cords! If you are a 3L member and would like to have a cord to wear at graduation, please let either Julia Ziegler or Ka’Turah Francis know by March 3rd. ( or

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