A New Opportunity and Reminders

Dear Colleagues, 

We would like to invite you to participate in a new faculty development opportunity and remind you of a few others. 

June 8-10: Lecture Breakers Virtual Summer Conference 

Do you want to use active learning strategies to promote student learning but do not have much time to prepare before fall term? The Lecture Breakers Conference will help by teaching strategies to engage students in any classroom format. Two of the nine speakers will focus on technology applications; one will focus on inclusive teaching; all will focus on active engagement of learners. In all, there are three hours of training per day for three afternoons on June 8-10. The conference also includes one evening keynote on the topic of minimizing faculty burnout. If you miss any live sessions, your registration gives you access to the recorded sessions through July 8. 

You can register on your own ($297) OR join our UR cohort. The Faculty Hub will pay for ten faculty members to gain this professional development in advance of fall term (first come, first serve). If you would like to join our Lecture Breakers cohort or have questions, please contact Kylie Korsnack in the Faculty Hub by May 20.    

Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort for the Next Academic Year 

If you would like a deeper engagement in becoming a more inclusive teacher, please consider applying for next year’s Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort. This initiative is sponsored by the Office of the Provost. Applications for next year’s cohort are due by Friday, May 21. For more information, eligibility, and details on how to apply, please read the call for applications for the Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort. 

Summer Blog Series: Forward Thinking 

What aspects of your “pandemic pedagogy” will stay with you as we return to face-to-face teaching? We invite you to contribute to our blog series, Forward Thinking – an informal collection of stories and examples of what UR faculty will carry forward into future teaching. For inspiration, check out the first post from the Faculty Hub’s own, Dr. Andrew Bell. If you would like to contribute, please email Andrew Bell for more details. 

1-1 Consultations 

Lastly, a reminder that the Faculty Hub is available to provide faculty with personalized support for teaching and scholarship through confidential, individual or small group consultations this summer. Schedule a consultationon our website. 

Best wishes as you complete spring term grading. 


Linda Boland 

Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub 

Invitation to Apply to Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort & Share Forward

Dear Colleagues, 

As we near the end of a challenging spring term, the Faculty Hub wants to relay our tremendous gratitude and pride in how the faculty have adapted to new modes of teaching this year. The work has been difficult, the issues surrounding us have tested our resolve, and faculty have amplified their support for ainclusive academic environment. While we are always working to improve individually and collectively, we have heard that our students have felt your support and we thank you for your deep commitment to student-centered work.  

We wanted to alert you to a few upcoming faculty development opportunities: 

Call for Applications: Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort 

If you would like a deeper engagement in becoming a more inclusive teacher, please consider applying for next year’s inclusive pedagogy cohort. This is a great opportunity to grow in your teaching and to build community with colleagues from across campus. This initiative is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and open to any interested full-time University employees who are faculty or who teach academic courses as part of their responsibilities.

The Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort meets every two weeks on Fridays from 12-1:15 p.m.* Each member of the cohort receives a $750 stipend for completing the program. Applications for next year’s cohort are due by Friday, May 21. For more information and details on how to apply, read the call for applications for the Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort. *Note: If you have a conflict with noon on Fridays, we encourage you to still apply and indicate the conflict in your application. We will do our best to accommodate the schedules of all those chosen to participate in the cohort.

An Invitation to Share With Your Colleagues 

As we have all tried new teaching approaches this year, we invite you to pause and reflect on the new teaching practices, assignments, or tools that have become part of your pedagogy. What aspects of your “pandemic pedagogy” will stay with you as we return to face-to-face teaching? 

  • We have heard from faculty who recorded verbal feedback on students’ written work and found students to be receptive to this, finding it more helpful than written comments.   
  • We have heard from faculty who have valued the use of collaborative documents to draw more students into conversation and want to continue to find ways to help all students be comfortable contributing their ideas.   

What will you carry forward? Do you have a story to share? We invite you to consider contributing to our blog series, Forward Thinking – an informal collection of stories or examples of what UR faculty will carry forward to future teaching. For inspiration, check out the first post from the Faculty Hub’s own, Dr. Andrew Bell. If you have an idea to contribute or a story to share, please email Andrew Bell for more details. 

Best wishes as you complete your courses and grading. 


Linda Boland 

Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub 

Forward Thinking: Less is More

As a technology consultant, I have always been very intentional about the tools I introduce into the classroom, but this past year of blended teaching made me even more selective of the tools I chose to support my course.

I worked hard to limit the number of tools I asked my students to use, because they shared after the 2020 spring semester that platform fatigue was a major problem. This was a challenge because, due to the nature of the blended teaching, technology was often the solution to many of the semester’s problems.

To avoid adding unnecessary elements to my course, I developed a series of questions I asked myself before deploying a tool for the 2020-2021 academic year:

  • Did the tool fill a need that was universal across the semester and would it be consistently used throughout the semester?
  • Was the tool something my students were familiar with and, if not, was it intuitive to use?
  • Did the tool directly support one or more of my course objectives?
  • Could I succinctly communicate to my students why the tool was important for their success in the class?

The result was relying heavily on five tools for all my communication, organizational, and pedagogical needs.

  • Zoom: It was used to facilitate the blended experience for in-person and remote students.
  • Blackboard: All course materials were organized here. All assignments/exams were collected and returned here, and all grades were distributed here.
  • Email and youcanbookme.com: For all out of class conversation and dialog, I either used email or youcanbookme.com to schedule office hours.
  • Google Docs: Collaborative documents were the backbone of all my in-class learning activities – they completely replaced all physical handouts.
  • Perusall: This was something that was new for me. Adding social annotation to my reading assignments gave me insight into students’ understanding of the material but also gave students an opportunity to interact asynchronously with each other in a low stakes way.

The net result of this intentional pairing of tools was clarity both for myself and my students. Working within a constrained toolset can be challenging as there are many great options that can solve specific challenges that arise throughout the semester. That said, as we move to a more traditional semester, I’ll continue to focus on a reduced toolset and investing in making the most of the functionality of the tools I have my students use. There are some efficiencies that I’d like to make in my communication strategy with my students, and I’d love to be able to start using a modern communication tool like Discord or Slack in the fall but, for now, I’m going to stick with the five tools that worked this past spring.

Dr. L. Andrew Bell is a technology consultant in the Teaching and Scholarship Hub at the University of Richmond. He consults with faculty on effective integration of digital tools into their teaching and scholarship. His areas of expertise include data analysis and visualization, digital pedagogy, and neuroscience.  Andrew is also an adjunct instructor at the University of Richmond and teaches courses in neuroscience and data analysis. This past year he taught PSYC359 Data Visualization and Analysis and FYS102 Neuroscience of Photography.

Update on Faculty Hub Events

This is an update from the Faculty Hub on some re-scheduled events and a reminder of upcoming events and resources that may be useful to you at this point in the semester.

Re-Scheduled Events

  • Faculty Hub Morning Blend: Distracted (Continued): Due to the ice storms, we have re-scheduled our follow-up discussions on Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It on Thursday, February 25 from 1-1:45 p.m. and Friday, February 26 from 9-9:45 a.m. Whether you attended the book talk with Dr. James Lang or not, you are invited to join us to review key points and how we might apply them to current modes of teaching.  No registration is needed, please use this Zoom link. (If you missed the book talk you can view it here.) We are using our Morning Blend format in which a brief presentation is made (generally, about 15 minutes), a tip sheet is provided, and an open discussion is invited for anyone who wishes to do so after the presentation. We are mindful of faculty time in how we package these weekly events.  If you are not yet familiar with our Morning Blend series, we invite you to explore the archived resources from prior sessions, several of which are timely at this point in the semester: Developing Time Efficient Workflows for Grading, Strategies for Virtual Office Hours, and Strategies for Gathering Midterm Student Feedback, a topic that Jim Lang also referenced in his talk last week and that could be applied now or in the next few weeks.

Reminders: Key Events in March

  • Radical Empathy: We invite you to join us for a faculty development session with Dr. Terri Givens who will address structural racism and the persistence of inequality while offering practical steps for calling out racism and affecting radical social change.  The session will be part presentation and part workshop and is based on her book, Radical Empathy: Finding a Path to Bridging Racial Divides. If you are among the first 40 people to sign up, we will send you a copy of the book! To learn more, please see this excerpt and consider joining us on Monday, March 22 from 1-2:30 p.m. Register for the Book Talk!
  • We will also hold a follow-up conversation about radical empathy on Thursday, March 25 from 9-9:50 a.m., facilitated by Keith “Mac” McIntosh and Linda Boland. If you would like to join us, please register here.
  • Faculty Hub Conversation: Are you currently teaching as an adjunct professor or as an instructor on a part-time or temporary appointment in A&S, RSB, Jepson, Law, or SPCS? Would you like an opportunity to ask questions, build community, and make connections with faculty in similar instructional roles from across campus? The Faculty Hub invites you to join us for an informal conversation to share knowledge, practices, success stories, questions, and considerations for teaching at the University of Richmond. This Faculty Hub Conversation* will be co-facilitated by Kylie Korsnack (Faculty Hub), Carol Wittig (Library), and John Zinn (SPCS) and will be offered on Friday, March 5 from 12-12:50 p.m. Sign up here!  *Note: This is the second conversation that we are offering for adjuncts this semester. If you came to the first session, we hope to see you again! And if you missed the February meeting, we hope you’ll consider joining this time!
  • NCFDD Writing Challenge: If you would like to try a new approach to building a regular writing habit, please join us for the NCFDD writing challenge. The name may be misleading–it is not a competition but a chance to gain peer support to encourage the habit. Writers decide when to write each day and there are no penalties if you miss some days! If you have not tried this approach and want more information about the logistics or potential impact, please contact Linda Boland.
  • Consultations: Are you thinking about mid-term assessments or improving your digital workflow? To learn more about how the Faculty Hub can help you, please consider our one-on-one consultations which can be scheduled at mutually convenient times.

Radical Empathy and a 14-Day Writing Challenge

The Faculty Hub invites all faculty to participate with us in two faculty development opportunities in March.

  • Book Talk with Dr. Terri Givens on Radical Empathy

We invite you to join us for an important faculty development opportunity with Dr. Terri Givens, founder/CEO of Brighter Higher Ed, political scientist, consultant, and a former vice provost and provost.

Dr. Givens’ forthcoming book Radical Empathy: Finding a Path to Bridging Racial Divides addresses issues of structural racism and the persistence of inequality and offers practical steps for calling out racism and affecting radical social change. This 90-min session will be part presentation and part workshop.  The book is not available until 2/25 and you do not have to have read it in order to gain from this session. If you are among the first 40 people to sign up, we will send you a copy of the book as soon as it’s available!

To learn more about the forthcoming book, please see this excerpt and consider joining us:

We will also hold a follow-up conversation on Thursday, March 25 from 9-9:50 a.m, facilitated by Keith “Mac” McIntosh and Linda Boland. If you would like to join us, please register for the follow-up conversation.

  • 14-Day Writing Challenge

It can be very hard to find 30 minutes a day for focused writing time, especially under current conditions.  However, if you would like to give it a try, here is a program that uses some motivational approaches to help you engage or re-engage in your writing.

Consider participating with us in a 14-day writing challenge sponsored by the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD). This will occur from March 22-April 4 and you must register by March 17 (see below).  During the week of April 5, the Faculty Hub will offer a follow-up conversation for UR participants so that we can reflect on our experiences, celebrate our successes, and share tips on how to continue our writing momentum into the coming months.

New to NCFDD? No problem! UR has an institutional membership. Follow these steps to activate your account and sign-up for the challenge:

  1. Visit the NCFDD website
  2. Click “Join NCFDD”
  3. Select your institution from the drop-down menu
  4. Click “Activate My Membership”
  5. Complete a basic sign-up form with personal and professional information
  6. Activate your account by clicking the link in a follow-up confirmation email
  7. Once you are logged in, you will see information about signing up for the challenge under “Start Learning” on the main dashboard or under “Events.” Registration closes on March 17!

First Week of Spring Term, 2021

Greetings and best wishes for a good start to your spring semester!  Below please find information about new professional development events in the Faculty Hub.

Faculty Hub Book Talk: Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It with Dr. James Lang

Why are attention and focus so difficult and so important to effective learning?  What is the impact of technology on attention spans? What role can teachers play in facilitating attention and reducing distraction in students? If these questions interest you, we invite you to join a Faculty Hub book talk by Dr. James Lang, author of Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It. To learn more, please see a series of articles by Lang in the Chronicle of Higher Education that cover some of the topics from this book.

Sign up here to join this book talk on Monday, February 15 from 3-4:15 p.m.

The first 40 people to register will receive a copy of the book through campus mail. If you are teaching remotely and are unable to come to campus, please indicate this on your registration form and provide your mailing address.

The Faculty Hub will also facilitate a discussion on Friday, February 19 from 9-9:45 a.m. to explore how we can employ some of Lang’s ideas in our teaching. As Lang’s book was written just prior to COVID-19, we want to explore how to facilitate student attention and focus in our new teaching modes. No registration is required for the follow-up session which will use this Zoom link. 

A Faculty Hub Working Group on Alternative Assessments is a new opportunity to discuss specifications grading, portfolio grading, oral exams, ungrading, student self-evaluation, and other alternative assessments of learning. If you’ve ever considered implementing an alternative form of assessment in one or more of your classes, or if you’re doing so now, please consider joining with other faculty for regular discussions this semester to share ideas and resources, promising practices, and pitfalls. Meetings will be held over Zoom at mutually convenient times, and the group will determine the frequency of meetings (but probably no more than once a month). Contact Libby Gruner at egruner@richmond.edu by Friday, January 22, for more information or to join the group.

Please join us for the Faculty Hub’s Morning Blend sessions: (1) Social Annotation on Thursday, January 21 at 1 p.m. and Friday, January 22 at 9 a.m. and (2) Active Learning: Peer to Peer Thursday, January 28 at 1 p.m. and Fri January 29 at 9 a.m. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us for a short presentation (10-15 minutes), a takeaway document (tip sheet), and an informal open discussion on each topic. All Morning Blend meetings will use this Zoom URL, no registration required.


Jan 2021 Faculty Hub Programming

Greetings and happy new year from the Faculty Hub!

Below is a list of our schedule for January – please follow the links for registration information.  Sessions with the same title are duplicate sessions (#1, #2, etc). 

Wed., Jan. 6

Conversation: Student Workload (1st offering)

Across the country, students have expressed concern that the shift to remote learning has coincided with a substantial increase in workload. Is this the case or are instructors simply distributing and assessing coursework differently? If the latter, how can we help students adjust to and manage new or different workflows? Please join faculty from across campus to engage in informal conversation around this topic. Consider reading “The Strange Case of the Exploding Student Workload” prior to joining this session.

Time: 10-10:50 a.m.

Register: Conversation: Student Workload #1

 Panel: Alternative Assessment Methods

Are you planning to use or considering an alternative assessment method such as oral exams, student self-assessments, “ungrading,” or portfolio grading in your spring courses? This 50-min panel will feature short presentations (5-7 min) by Della Dumbaugh (Mathematics), Jan French (Anthropology), and Chris Miller (Political Science) followed by Q&A and open discussion on these alternative assessment methods. This panel will be moderated by Libby Gruner (Faculty Hub Associate, English).

Time: 2-2:50 p.m.

Register: Panel: Alternative Assessment Methods

Thurs., Jan. 7

Conversation: Course Design

Do you want an opportunity to reflect on the alignment between your course objectives, assessments, and course activities? Do you want to get feedback from others as you finalize your course design plans for the spring? Join us for this conversation to receive a few resources related to “backwards course design” and to have an opportunity to engage with faculty colleagues from across campus in an informal conversation about your course design process.

Time: 10-10:50 a.m.

Register: Conversation: Course Design

Morning Blend: Bb Course Organization

Do you have questions about how to organize your course materials in Blackboard? Join the Faculty Hub for Morning Blend on Blackboard Course Organization. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us for a short presentation (10-15 minutes), a takeaway document (tip sheet), and an informal discussion on strategies for organizing your course materials in Blackboard.

Time: 1-1:45 p.m.  (yes, this is an afternoon option–it’s morning somewhere!)

Zoom: Morning Blend Zoom room  (No registration required)

Fri., Jan. 8

Morning Blend: Bb Course Organization

We will offer a second session of Morning Blend on Friday morning.

Time: 9-9:45 a.m.

Zoom: Morning Blend Zoom room  (No registration required)

Workshop: Blended Classroom Experience #1

Do you want to experiment with blended learning before the spring semester begins? This workshop is designed to give faculty the opportunity to experience the blended classroom from multiple perspectives: remote learner, in-class learner, and in-class instructor. During this 90-minute session, each instructor will facilitate a brief 15-minute lecture, learning activity, and/or discussion. Then, remote and in-class learners will have the opportunity to provide feedback and reflections on their experiences. While the number of remote learners is not limited, we must cap the number of in-class learners to 10 and in-class instructors to 3.

Note: Priority registration for this initial session will be given to new or returning faculty who did not teach in-person last semester.  This workshop is also offered on January 14 and 15.

Time: 10:30-12 p.m.

Register:  Workshop: Blended Classroom Experience #1

Panel: Alternative Assessment Projects

Are you planning to use or considering an alternative assessment project such as podcasts, digital projects, or group projects? This 50-min panel will feature short presentations (5-7 min) by Dan Chen (Political Science), Melissa Freilich (Theatre & Dance), and Caroline Weist (Language, Literatures & Cultures) followed by Q&A and open discussion on these types of final projects.

Time: 1-1:50 p.m.

Register: Panel: Alternative Assessment Projects

Mon., Jan. 11

Workshop: Inclusive Pedagogy – Transparency

How can we use the concept of transparency to design more inclusive learning environments for our students? In this workshop, we will explore three teaching areas – the learning environment, the design of assignments, and grading practices – through the lens of transparency. Drawing from both research on inclusive teaching and the practical experiences of one another, we will work together to identify concrete strategies and tools for building more transparency into each respective area of our teaching. This 75-minute workshop will include time for participants to get feedback from colleagues on a teaching approach or artifact. Participants are encouraged to come to the workshop with a course policy, assignment description, or a grading approach in mind that they would like to make more transparent.

Time: 11-12:15pm

Register: Workshop: Transparent Teaching

Conversation: Student Workload (2nd offering)

We will offer a second opportunity to engage in dialogue about helping students manage and/or adjust to the workloads associated with remote and blended learning. See description above or click the registration link below for full details.

Time: 1-1:50 p.m.

Register: Conversation: Student Workload #2

Tues., Jan. 12

Panel: Tips for Engaging Students on Zoom

Is it possible to adapt videoconferencing technology to promote student engagement in learning? Having now used Zoom for teaching in online and blended coursed, we have found several ways to promote student engagement and inclusive teaching. Our tips will be shared with plenty of time for participants to ask questions or share their own tips! Panelists include Linda Boland, (Faculty Hub, Biology), Jessica Erickson, (Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Law) and special guest panelist, Claire Howell Major, Professor of Higher Education Administration at the University of Alabama and author of several books, including Teaching Online: A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice.

Time: 11-11:50 a.m.

Register:  Panel: Zoom Pedagogy

 Panel: Social Annotation

Are you planning to use or considering whether to integrate social annotation into your spring courses?  This 50-min panel will feature short presentations (5-10 min) by Kristine Grayson (Faculty Hub Associate, Biology) and Libby Gruner (Faculty Hub Associate, English) followed by Q&A and open discussion. The panelists will discuss how/why they incorporated social annotation into their pedagogy with examples from Perusall and Hypothes.is.

Time: 2-2:50 p.m.

Register: Panel: Social Annotation

Wed., Jan. 13

Faculty Hub Institute: Data Visualizations in R

Click on the registration link to learn more about this multi-session, all-day faculty development opportunity.

Time: All Day

Register: Institute: Data Visualizations in R

Panel:  Making Use of an Imperfect Tool—Using Your SEI Results to Improve Your Teaching

University-administered student evaluations of instruction (SEIs) are imperfect tools.  As instructors, how can we re-frame our SEIs as formative?  Are there strategies for working with SEIs that can make them a useful professional development tool?  This 50-minute panel will feature brief presentations by Carthene Bazemore-Walker (Assistant Dean for Diversity, Inclusivity, and Thriving, A & S), Don Forsyth (Jepson School of Leadership), and Joe Ben Hoyle (Accounting, Robins School of Business), with time for Q & A on how to make use of your SEIs.  Moderated by Linda Boland (Faculty Hub, Biology).

Time:  10-10:50 a.m.

Register: Panel: Making Use of an Imperfect Tool

Thurs., Jan. 14

Panel: Collaborative Documents

Are you planning to use or want to learn more about using collaborative documents to engage students in your blended or remote courses? This 50-min panel will feature short presentations (5-10 min) by Saif Mekhari (Economics) and Fernando Otalora-Luna (Biology) followed by Q&A and open discussion. These panelists will discuss how/why they incorporated collaborative documents into their pedagogy and how their approach impacted student learning.

Time: 10-10:50 a.m.

Register: Panel: Collaborative Documents

Morning Blend: First Day

How do you approach the first day of a blended or remote class? Do you have strategies to share for cultivating community, connection, and curiosity on the first day? Join the Faculty Hub for our next session of Morning Blend: First Day. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us for a short presentation (10-15 minutes), a takeaway document (tip sheet), and an informal open discussion on strategies for approaching the first day of class.

Time: 1-1:45 p.m.

Zoom: Morning Blend Zoom room  (No registration required)

Workshop: Blended Classroom Experiences #2

We will offer a second session of the Blended Classroom Experience. See description from January 8 (above) or click the registration link below for full details.

Time: 2-3:30 p.m.

Register:  Blended Classroom Experience #2

Fri., Jan. 15

Morning Blend: First Day

We will offer a second session of Morning Blend on Friday morning (see above for full details).

Time: 9-9:45 a.m.

Zoom: Morning Blend Zoom room  (No registration required)

Faculty Hub Workshop: Blended Classroom Experiences #3

We will offer a third session of the Blended Classroom Experience. See description from January 8 (above) or click the registration link below for full details.

Time: 10:30-noon

Register: Blended Classroom Experience #3

Debrief on Fall 2020, Thinking Forward to Spring 2021 

I want to thank and congratulate all faculty and academic staff who have worked so hard to make this semester as successful as possible.  Alongside numerous staff at the university, the faculty have worked extremely hard to adapt to the new and constantly changing challenges of blended and remote teaching.  Thank you all for your efforts.

We are conscious of the time challenges we have all faced since March, yet we also want to capture some of those lessons learned and use them to our mutual benefits during spring term. Before we move fall term teaching to the past tense, we invite you to consider joining us to share with your colleagues what you learned this semester.  What worked well?  What needs re-alignment?  What additional professional development support would be most helpful?

Next week, the Faculty Hub is offering facilitated conversations about our fall term teaching experiences.  Please consider if one of them meets your interests and please know that you are welcome to participate for a duration that works for you.  We hope that you will find it meaningful to share and learn with your colleagues.  We also list below some planning that is under development for January 2021, to help you prepare for spring term.

Faculty Hub Conversation: Teaching FYS 

Did you teach an FYS course during the fall semester or are you preparing to teach an FYS course in the spring? Do you have strategies or successes from your experiences this fall to share with colleagues? We invite faculty to come together to share knowledge, practices, success stories, and considerations for remote or blended teaching of FYS courses. Two sessions will be offered:

Faculty Hub Conversation: Fall Semester Debrief

Do you have strategies or successes to share from your teaching this fall? Would you like to ask questions and receive feedback from colleagues as you plan your spring courses? Please join faculty from across campus for a semester debrief session in which we will share knowledge, practices, success stories, and considerations for remote or blended teaching. Two sessions will be offered:

Can’t make any of these sessions but still want to participate? Please email us to let us know if you would be interested in attending a similar type of session in January or to receive a one-on-one recap with a member of the Faculty Hub.

Descriptions of the Types of Programming Offered by the Faculty Hub

  • Conversations: Informal, interdisciplinary conversations (50 minutes) around a topic of shared interest (this is the format for the December sessions noted above).
  • Panel Discussions: Short presentations on selected topics (5-10 minutes) by 2-4 faculty members followed by Q&A (20-30 minutes).
  • Morning Blend: Informal “coffee break-style” discussions on a topic that impacts teaching and/or scholarship. Each session includes a brief presentation (10-15 minutes) followed by optional discussion time.  The Faculty Hub produces a one-page tip sheet to guide you in implementing a strategy or approaches discussed.  Visit our website for the recorded presentations and tip sheets from fall term.
  • Workshops: Hands-on, interactive sessions (75-90 minutes) that allow participants to take a deeper dive into a specific topic or practice with a teaching approach.
  • Faculty Hub Institute: Intensive workshops (full day or multi-session) designed to deepen faculty knowledge and skillsets to help propel their pedagogy and scholarship into the future.
  • Consultations: The Faculty Hub is available to provide faculty with personalized support for teaching and scholarship through confidential, individual or small group consultations. Schedule a consultation on our website.

A note about recordings:  To maintain opportunities for authentic sharing by colleagues participating in a program, periods of open dialogue are not recorded in our sessions.  Most public presentations, invited speakers, and scheduled presentations within the program are recorded and some sessions include handouts, worksheets, or tip sheets which we will share with attendees and anyone else who wishes to use them.  We encourage individual or small group consultations if a topic interests you but you cannot attend at the scheduled time.

We are in the planning stages for our January 2021 programming.  Here is a quick preview of topics we are working on and the formats for engagement.  If you would like to help in a session from this list or suggest another topic, please email us!

  • Panels: (1) Alternative Assessment, (2) Social Annotation, and (3) Collaborative Documents
  • Conversations:  Reflecting on Course Design
  • Morning Blends: (1) Course Organization in Bb and (2) The First Day of Class
  • Workshops: (1) TheBlended Classroom Experience and (2) Zoom Pedagogy
  • Institute:  Data Visualization with R (register here)

Resources on Assessment Design

The Faculty Hub has been asked about resources on assessment design in advance of the virtual final exam period.  Below are some resources we have shared via our website and Blackboard courses.

In addition, we are happy to offer 1-1 consultations regarding remote learning assessments. Email facultyhub@richmond.edu, or book an appointment directly with one of the consultants using the following links: Kylie, Ryan, or Andrew.

From our Morning Blend Series:

From our Responsive and Flexible Teaching course:

From our curated resources:

University of Richmond Honor Code:

  • You might also find it useful to review UR’s “Honor Code

Two Faculty Development Opportunities

Dear Colleagues,

I want to let you know about two upcoming opportunities for faculty development.

1- Tomorrow, Friday, November 13 at 2:00 pm ET, Cengage (an education and technology company) is hosting a webinar on Oral Exams: The Secret to Assessing Students During COVID.  This event features Dr. Della Dumbaugh, Assistant Chair and Professor of Mathematics and author of the recent Inside Higher Ed article,Revitalizing Classes Through Oral Exams.”  The webinar is free and you may register here.

2- In January, the Faculty Hub will initiate a new program for faculty development, The Faculty Hub Institute.  Institutes are multiple session workshops for faculty to learn together, gain professional feedback, and advance teaching and scholarship goals in a supportive environment for experimentation.

Would you like your students to create data visualizations that are both beautiful and effective narrative tools? Would you like to better communicate your data in scholarly publications and presentations?  If these questions interest you, please consider joining us for the first Faculty Hub Institute:  Data Visualizations in R.

We will host two faculty cohorts for this Institute. The first cohort will begin with a full-day workshop on January 13, followed by additional spring term sessions with members of the cohort and built-in opportunities for one-on-one support.  Learn more about the course content and the schedule here. A second cohort will meet for professional development in a more concentrated format in May. This schedule will be available early in the spring semester.  As for all Hub activities, faculty from all five schools are invited to participate.

We are currently accepting registrations here for the cohort that begins on January 13. Please note that we will be offering the Institute in a blended teaching format with up to eleven (11) in-person spots, to be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. Other members of the cohort will participate remotely.  If you want to learn more about this opportunity and the time commitment, please contact the Faculty Hub.

As you consider these or other professional development opportunities, please note that we are also available for individual consultations.  Let us know how we can help you.

Best wishes as you near the end of the semester.



Linda M. Boland, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology

Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub