Halfway There

As we near the midpoint of the semester, we hope all is going well. Midterm can be a good time to gather feedback from your students about their experiences in your courses so far. See our tipsheet on Gathering Feedback from Students for ideas, formats, and resources for doing so! You can also reach out to the Faculty Hub to schedule a one-on-one consultation about designing a feedback survey for your particular goals and teaching context.

Keep reading about more happenings here.

Spreading the Love

There is much to love at the Faculty Hub and beyond this month. An adjunct conversation, a writing challenge, a writing retreat, an AI workshop on LLMs, and facilitated course assessments. Oh, and we also started a puzzle on the touchdown table if you are into that kind of thing 🙂 There are some other great opportunities we are happy to share as well, including the River City Project, hosted by one of our campus partners, UR’s Office for Sustainability, an NCFDD webinar, a VIVA Workshop and course grants, the 2024 Innovations in Pedagogy Summit at UVA…and print UR Own V-Day cards with UR Book Arts. Be sure to scroll all the way down to see the ten things Andrew shared this month on his blog. There are some good ones! Read more here.

Ease Into the Semester

We hope you had a restful break. We know it goes by quickly, so we have some upcoming opportunities that might help you ease into the spring semester. Improve your Blackboard game, get hands-on training with GenAI tools, learn how to implement community guidelines in your courses, keep your scholarship moving forward, and design an inclusive syllabus or a new Gen Ed course. Read more here! And don’t forget to stop by our Welcome Back Breakfast on January 19 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.

End With a Bang!

You don’t have to face those end-of-semester tasks alone! Join us for a writing and grading retreat here in the Faculty Hub on Tuesday, December 12. We’ll provide all participants with lunch, seasonal goodies, and beverages (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and more) all day long. Come on by and get cozy. Stay for any amount of time that works for you between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Please also note that the Pedagogy and Generative AI Faculty Exchange date was incorrect in this newsletter. It is on Wednesday, January 10. 

Thankful for the Little Things

We here at the Faculty Hub are grateful to be working with so many engaged and committed faculty, staff, and administration members here at UR. We’re sending you best wishes as we head into the last part of the semester and the end of the calendar year.

Little things we are grateful for…
Kitty: Midday walks around Westhampton Lake
Jane: Jersey dirt
Kylie: Fall field trips to the eco-corridor with my FYS students
Andrew: The Cuban sandwich at Passport

Welcoming Michael Reder

Greetings, everyone! We hope you had a restful Fall Break. We’re excited to co-host a campus visit (October 25-27) by Michael Reder, Director of the Joy Shechtman Mankoff Center for Teaching & Learning at Connecticut College, an expert in using writing and active teaching to support student learning. Michael’s visit will allow faculty and instructional staff to reflect on the upcoming launch of the new General Education curriculum in Fall 2024. If you’ve been part of the FYS program for the past few years, you likely already know Michael as a longstanding collaborator and partner with the University of Richmond. If you haven’t yet met Michael, we hope you will make the most of his time on campus by attending an event or scheduling a one-on-one consultation with him. We’d especially like to call your attention to Michael’s keynote on October 26 from 3 to 4:30 p.m., entitled Reinventing Your Courses — and Reanimating Your Teaching — in Richmond’s New GE Program, a talk intended to bring us all together to consider the importance of this moment. Many of the events surrounding Michael’s visit will count for the required professional development under the new General Education curriculum. Read on to learn more!

Prepare for Fall 2023 With Our Pre-Semester Events!

We hope that you’re having a good summer. Here at the Faculty Hub, we’ve been getting ready for the fall, and we’ve put together some events to help you ease into the new semester. In addition to the events below, if it would help to talk through any teaching and scholarship challenges with us directly, we invite you to schedule a one-on-one consultation anytime. You can find additional events on our Events Page.

We’re looking forward to seeing you this fall!

Read more here!