Hub Pub, Resilience, New Resources

Dear Faculty, 

Now that classes are in full swing by new and different methods for teachers and students, the Faculty Hub wants to relay some updates and links to additional resources.  We also know that you are having success along with the challenges and we have  created an opportunity for faculty to share success stories on Friday afternoon this week:   

A Virtual Hub Pub—Wine without Whining 

We have risen to the challenge of teaching remotely while also adapting to our new world of social distancing.  Thankfully, we have technology to help bring us together so let’s use it for a virtual Hub Pub!  Pour your drink of choice and hop into a Zoom room with the Faculty Hub on Friday at 4 pm when we will toast our successes from this week.  Wine without whining is our goal for this Zoom session to mitigate the social isolation!   

Topic: Wine without Whining- Virtual Hub Pub 

Time: Friday, Mar 27, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)  

Faculty Tip:  Building community while teaching online is often cited by students as one of the keys to their successful learning.  So, how does a teacher build community from a distance?By being virtually present, responsive, having clear expectations, and designing organized learning experiences that afford students time to interact with you and with each other. 

Faculty Resilience:  The Chronicle of Higher Education is hosting a weekly forum on faculty resilience.  Each week they will examine issues such as how to support vulnerable students, pivot to online lessons, and manage workloads. To join the open discussion, with Q&A, any and every Friday at 2 p.m., EDT – Sign up here. 

  • The attached article on resilience is from the Vanderbilt University archives on Work/Life Issues and it may be useful reading during this time of enhanced emotional and physical stress. 

AAC&U Webinar:Safeguarding Quality, Equity, and Inclusion as Learning Moves Online.   

This webinar is on Friday, March 27, livestreaming from 1-2 pm, EDT.  As the undergraduate experience goes virtual in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, how can colleges and universities ensure that the rapid scaling of online learning to unprecedented levels doesn’t come at the expense of their commitment to quality, equity, and inclusion?   Presenters will offer practical advice and effective pedagogical strategies for creating and sustaining high-quality, equitable, and inclusive learning environments online.  Go to this page to register; you will have to create an account (see below) or use your account login.   

  • If you already have an AAC&U account set up, please use that information to register for webinars which are free for faculty at member institutions. If you need to set up an account, please click on this link. 
  • If you have any difficulties setting up an accounts, please contact Abdullah Jones at AAC&U. 


ACE Engage has new materials available on implications of COVID-19 policies on diversity, equity and inclusion.   A 30 day free trial for these resources is here.   

As time allows or if you are seeking other types of support, you may find it useful to consult the list of consortia to which we belong.  In particular, there are useful resources at the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) website. 

Please reach out by email or visit our Remote Teaching @ UR website or contact the HelpDesk for technical issues. 

– Linda