Update on Faculty Hub Events

This is an update from the Faculty Hub on some re-scheduled events and a reminder of upcoming events and resources that may be useful to you at this point in the semester.

Re-Scheduled Events

  • Faculty Hub Morning Blend: Distracted (Continued): Due to the ice storms, we have re-scheduled our follow-up discussions on Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It on Thursday, February 25 from 1-1:45 p.m. and Friday, February 26 from 9-9:45 a.m. Whether you attended the book talk with Dr. James Lang or not, you are invited to join us to review key points and how we might apply them to current modes of teaching.  No registration is needed, please use this Zoom link. (If you missed the book talk you can view it here.) We are using our Morning Blend format in which a brief presentation is made (generally, about 15 minutes), a tip sheet is provided, and an open discussion is invited for anyone who wishes to do so after the presentation. We are mindful of faculty time in how we package these weekly events.  If you are not yet familiar with our Morning Blend series, we invite you to explore the archived resources from prior sessions, several of which are timely at this point in the semester: Developing Time Efficient Workflows for Grading, Strategies for Virtual Office Hours, and Strategies for Gathering Midterm Student Feedback, a topic that Jim Lang also referenced in his talk last week and that could be applied now or in the next few weeks.

Reminders: Key Events in March

  • Radical Empathy: We invite you to join us for a faculty development session with Dr. Terri Givens who will address structural racism and the persistence of inequality while offering practical steps for calling out racism and affecting radical social change.  The session will be part presentation and part workshop and is based on her book, Radical Empathy: Finding a Path to Bridging Racial Divides. If you are among the first 40 people to sign up, we will send you a copy of the book! To learn more, please see this excerpt and consider joining us on Monday, March 22 from 1-2:30 p.m. Register for the Book Talk!
  • We will also hold a follow-up conversation about radical empathy on Thursday, March 25 from 9-9:50 a.m., facilitated by Keith “Mac” McIntosh and Linda Boland. If you would like to join us, please register here.
  • Faculty Hub Conversation: Are you currently teaching as an adjunct professor or as an instructor on a part-time or temporary appointment in A&S, RSB, Jepson, Law, or SPCS? Would you like an opportunity to ask questions, build community, and make connections with faculty in similar instructional roles from across campus? The Faculty Hub invites you to join us for an informal conversation to share knowledge, practices, success stories, questions, and considerations for teaching at the University of Richmond. This Faculty Hub Conversation* will be co-facilitated by Kylie Korsnack (Faculty Hub), Carol Wittig (Library), and John Zinn (SPCS) and will be offered on Friday, March 5 from 12-12:50 p.m. Sign up here!  *Note: This is the second conversation that we are offering for adjuncts this semester. If you came to the first session, we hope to see you again! And if you missed the February meeting, we hope you’ll consider joining this time!
  • NCFDD Writing Challenge: If you would like to try a new approach to building a regular writing habit, please join us for the NCFDD writing challenge. The name may be misleading–it is not a competition but a chance to gain peer support to encourage the habit. Writers decide when to write each day and there are no penalties if you miss some days! If you have not tried this approach and want more information about the logistics or potential impact, please contact Linda Boland.
  • Consultations: Are you thinking about mid-term assessments or improving your digital workflow? To learn more about how the Faculty Hub can help you, please consider our one-on-one consultations which can be scheduled at mutually convenient times.