ACS Professional Development Opportunities

Dear Colleagues,

The Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) is offering several professional development opportunities this summer.

This flyer provides information on 4 workshops (90 minutes each). You are welcome to attend any or all that meet your interests.

The workshop topics include:

  • Robust and Flexible Course Design in the Natural Sciences, Post-Pandemic (June 23, 1-2:30 pm EDT)
  • The Benefits of Spending Time in Nature for the Well-Being of Educators (July 1, 10:30- 12 pm EDT)
  • Developing the Mindset of an Academic Leader- for department chairs (July 27, 10:30-12 pm EDT)
  • Crafting a More Inclusive and Learner-Centered Syllabus (Aug 4, 1:30-3 pm EDT)

ACS has also facilitated the formation of seven working groups to develop resources to share by the end of summer. I will email when the materials become available on the ACS website.

The resources to be developed include materials to address:

  • Enhancing the first-year experience
  • Fostering a sense of belonging in the classroom
  • Preparing department and program chairs for their leadership roles
  • Advising of non-traditional students
  • Study abroad in the post-COVID world
  • Decolonizing the curriculum
  • Leveraging digital pedagogies for learning

Best wishes,


Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub