Exciting News, Summer Programs, and IP Cohort Reminder

Dear Colleagues,  

The Faculty Hub would like to share some news about a new appointment in the Hub and information regarding summer opportunities, a collaboration between Boatwright Library, CCE, and the Faculty Hub, and a reminder about applying for next year’s IP Cohort. 

Coordinator of Faculty Development in Teaching 

We are happy to announce that Dr. Libby Gruner, Professor of English, is the new Coordinator of Faculty Development in Teaching for the Faculty Hub. In this new role she will develop, improve, and coordinate programming for the professional development of faculty in their capacity as teachers, co-facilitate the Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort with the Faculty Hub’s Educational Developer, and work with the Faculty Hub Director to continue to evolve the goals of the Faculty Hub. Libby brings with her a wide range of experience at the University as a former Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences, former Director of Academic Advising, former Coordinator of the First-Year Seminar Program, as well as many years as a professor in the English department. She also co-facilitated a faculty learning community on Inclusive Pedagogy in 2016-2018 then joined the larger inclusive pedagogy cohort in 2018. Her work in the Advising Office, as well as her earlier work as FYS Coordinator made her keenly aware of the importance of inclusive pedagogical practices for equity, retention, and access. Most recently, as a Faculty Hub Associate, she has been able to work across department and school lines by facilitating working groups of faculty interested in exploring a variety of approaches to assess student learning.   

The NCFDD Summer 14-Day Writing Challenge  

It can be very hard to find 30 minutes a day for focused writing time, especially under current conditions.  However, if you would like to give it a try, here is a program that uses some motivational approaches to help you engage or re-engage in your writing. 

Consider participating with us in a 14-Day Writing Challenge sponsored by the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD). This will occur from June 21-July 4 and registration begins on May 19 (see below).   

UR has an institutional membership to NCFDD. Follow these steps to activate your account and sign-up for the challenge: Visit the NCFDD website 

  • Click “Join NCFDD” 
  • Select your institution from the drop-down menu 
  • Click “Activate My Membership” 
  • Complete a basic sign-up form with personal and professional information 
  • Activate your account by clicking the link in a follow-up confirmation email 
  • Once you are logged in, you will see information about signing up for the challenge under “Start Learning” on the main dashboard or under “Events.”  

 Boatwright Summer Book Club 

Join us for the 4th Annual Boatwright Summer Book Club! In support of the university’s Thriving and Inclusive Community strategic goal, Boatwright Library, along with the CCE and Faculty Hub, will be hosting a summer reading group. This year we will read selected chapters and essays on the theme of Education for Freedom, including works by Tressie McMillan Cottom, Paulo Freire, Audre Lorde, Resmaa Menakem, and Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang. More information, including links to the readings for each session, can be found on the Boatwright Summer Book Club homepage. 

 Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort for the Next Academic Year 

If you would like a deeper engagement in becoming a more inclusive teacher, please consider applying for next year’s Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort. This initiative is sponsored by the Office of the Provost. Applications for next year’s cohort are due by Friday, May 21. For more information, eligibility, and details on how to apply, please read the call for applications for the Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort.  


Linda Boland 

Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub