Invitation to Apply to Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort & Share Forward

Dear Colleagues, 

As we near the end of a challenging spring term, the Faculty Hub wants to relay our tremendous gratitude and pride in how the faculty have adapted to new modes of teaching this year. The work has been difficult, the issues surrounding us have tested our resolve, and faculty have amplified their support for ainclusive academic environment. While we are always working to improve individually and collectively, we have heard that our students have felt your support and we thank you for your deep commitment to student-centered work.  

We wanted to alert you to a few upcoming faculty development opportunities: 

Call for Applications: Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort 

If you would like a deeper engagement in becoming a more inclusive teacher, please consider applying for next year’s inclusive pedagogy cohort. This is a great opportunity to grow in your teaching and to build community with colleagues from across campus. This initiative is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and open to any interested full-time University employees who are faculty or who teach academic courses as part of their responsibilities.

The Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort meets every two weeks on Fridays from 12-1:15 p.m.* Each member of the cohort receives a $750 stipend for completing the program. Applications for next year’s cohort are due by Friday, May 21. For more information and details on how to apply, read the call for applications for the Inclusive Pedagogy Cohort. *Note: If you have a conflict with noon on Fridays, we encourage you to still apply and indicate the conflict in your application. We will do our best to accommodate the schedules of all those chosen to participate in the cohort.

An Invitation to Share With Your Colleagues 

As we have all tried new teaching approaches this year, we invite you to pause and reflect on the new teaching practices, assignments, or tools that have become part of your pedagogy. What aspects of your “pandemic pedagogy” will stay with you as we return to face-to-face teaching? 

  • We have heard from faculty who recorded verbal feedback on students’ written work and found students to be receptive to this, finding it more helpful than written comments.   
  • We have heard from faculty who have valued the use of collaborative documents to draw more students into conversation and want to continue to find ways to help all students be comfortable contributing their ideas.   

What will you carry forward? Do you have a story to share? We invite you to consider contributing to our blog series, Forward Thinking – an informal collection of stories or examples of what UR faculty will carry forward to future teaching. For inspiration, check out the first post from the Faculty Hub’s own, Dr. Andrew Bell. If you have an idea to contribute or a story to share, please email Andrew Bell for more details. 

Best wishes as you complete your courses and grading. 


Linda Boland 

Director, Teaching and Scholarship Hub