Week 8-Project Based Learning/Rubrics

Having the 2 teachers come and discuss rubrics along with their project based learning showed me just how important the rubrics are.  I was previously thinking they were much more work than they are worth, but I now see it is a way to be fair to everyone, along with keeping the grading consistent.

Their first-hand experience with both the PBL and rubrics were very eye-opening.  It is extremely helpful to see the strategies we are learning  put to use in a real-life classroom.

I definitely plan to use PBL in my classroom, and will be sure to use a rubric in order to keep it fair for all students.  I wonder what the difference is when you do not use a rubric? What are the guidelines for grading?  Is the teacher just being subjective?  I don’t remember ever having rubrics presented to me while growing up.  I wonder how my teachers measured what grade I earned?