Egyptian National Identity – Matt Wynne

Ancient Egypt

Egyptian Ancient Egypt Art | Ancient Egyptians wall art, ancient ...

Personally, I believe it is impossible to discuss Egyptian life without having knowledge of Egypt’s ancient roots. In Ancient Egypt, religion served as a main component of a citizen’s day-to-day life. They constructed monuments and temples to celebrate and worship certain gods. Much like the priesthood in Catholicism or Imams in Islamic faith, men and women would dedicate their lives to worshiping a specific Egyptian god or goddess. The religion of Ancient Egypt was constantly changing as Egypt came into contact with other faiths and civilizations. Although this ancient religion is extinct today, it was the dominant religion of Egypt for over 2000 years. There is no question that it has altered the course of Egypt extraordinarily.


STAR AND CRESCENT - Vinyl Decal Sticker - Moon - Islam Symbol ...

It is speculated that around 90% of the Egyptian population is Muslim while Christianity trails at roughly 10%. Although these two faiths certainly will not comprise the entire country, it is astonishing to see how religious Egypt is as a nation. The conflict of Islamic tradition has certainly played a role in Egypt’s history, but the majority of Muslims today follow the Sunni Tradition (~85%). The Islamic faith is built around five pillars: shahada, salat, zakat, sawm, and hajj. Shahada is the Islamic profession of faith consisting of two parts:  “There is no god but God” and “Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Salat is Islamic prayer which consists of five daily meditations. Zakat is the act of almsgiving in which Muslims donate roughly 2.5% of their income to support the Islamic community. Sawm is the act of fasting that occurs in the ninth month, Ramadan, and forbids eating from dawn to dusk. Lastly, the Hajj is the required pilgrimage to Mecca that a Muslim must complete at least once in their life.

The Nile

The Nile: How One River Helped Build a Civilization – 10 Amazing ...

The River Nile was fundamental for Egypt’s success as a civilization. As it served as one of Egypt’s only large sources of water, it is not surprising that mostly every city was built near it. When the Nile would flood, it would fertilize the land thus allowing for the cultivation of crops in the region. The Nile also boosted Egypt’s economy through trade routes and protection from barbarians. It was not solely important to Egypt for its economic use, however. The Nile was sacred to their faith in Ancient Egypt. They would even bury their dead on the West side of the river as that was where they believed the Underworld was located. Although the river extends throughout numerous countries, it is most famous for Egyptian use.

Coptic Christmas

Everything you need to know about Coptic Christmas | Arab News

Although we never spoke extensively about this festival, I found it very interesting to learn about. Despite Christmas being inherently Catholic, many Egyptians celebrate it as a secular holiday. In Egypt, however, they do not celebrate it on the traditional December 25 but rather on January 7. During Kiahk, the Coptic month leading up to Christmas, families sing songs and worship together. It is interesting that a Catholic holiday warrants such large festivals in Egypt despite Islam being roughly six times more popular. It is said that celebrations last for weeks after January 7.

Mohamed Salah

Mo Salah is 'happy at Liverpool'; less so with the Egyptian FA - CNN

Soccer, or football, largely predominates all other sports in Egypt. The Egyptian National Club, who refer to themselves as “The Pharaohs”, have dominated in the African Cup of Nations in the past. For many, these football players serve as the inspiration for kids growing up. When the World Cup arrives, some areas will close down in order to support their nation. Mohamed Salah, Egypt’s best player, has made appearances in over 100 matches for his national team. In those games, he has scored just over 50 goals for Egypt. Salah undoubtedly serves as an inspiration for Egypt.

Lighthouse of Alexandria

lighthouse of Alexandria | History, Location, & Facts | Britannica

Egypt is so well-known for its majestic pyramids that most forget entirely about its other ancient wonder of the world: The Lighthouse at Alexandria. Although it was damaged on multiple accounts and is completely destroyed now, it served as a representation of Egypt’s power and strength. In fact, this structure serves as the quintessential lighthouse for architects today. It was built in the 3rd century BCE and completed by Ptolemy II. Although the large Egyptian fort of Quaitbey has been built over the landmark, it is important not to forget the importance and beauty of the lighthouse that once stood there.

The Camp David Accords

The Camp David Accords, 40 years later | ShareAmerica

The Camp David Accords, secret meetings held by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, was overseen by the U.S. President Jimmy Carter. These meetings lasted for twelve days, and they altered Egypt’s relationship with Israel and other countries in the Middle East significantly. This would lead to Israel’s first formal agreement with another Middle Eastern country, and it would cool the scorching tension between the two countries. Prior to these agreements, Israel and Egypt had fought against each other on two separate occasions: The Six Days War and the Yom-Kippur War. It is reasonable that these two nations may still be at conflict today if Carter had not brought these two leaders together.

British Occupation of Egypt

British Conquest of Egypt (1882) - Wikipedia

A few years after the Suez Canal was opened, Egypt would soon find itself bankrupt. With civil war looming, the British and French governments were growing more and more nervous that their investment in this canal would be ruined. In order to avoid this, the British occupied Cairo and established Egypt as a “veiled protectorate.” As the British remained in Egypt for over three centuries, the European presence definitely had an effect. It showed Egypt how much more advanced “the West” was. Napoleon’s prescence, as well as Britain’s occupation, would lead to the Nadha Movement in Egypt.

Egyptian Nationality

Flag Egypt, flags Egypt

In some instances, you can understand a lot about a country through their nation’s flag. The case is no different for Egypt. Their flag depicts a tripartite color scheme consisting of red, white, and black. In the middle, the Eagle of Saladin is depicted. This flag is based off of the 1952 Egyptian Revolution flag, and each color symbolizes a different thing. The red stripe refers to the unity of Egyptian blood in opposition to colonization. The white stripe refers to the purity of an Egyptian heart and peace. Lastly the black stripe refers to the dark times of foreign occupation. Saladin’s eagle represents the power and unity of Egypt. Although they have switched the flag multiple times over the past century, there seems to be an overarching theme of nationalism in all of them.

Egyptian Revolution of 1952

Remembering the 1952 Egyptian Revolution – Middle East Monitor

Probably the most important event in Egypt’s history from the last century was the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. It would forever change the lives of Egyptian citizens, and it would mark the end of British occupation. Just as the United States did in 1776, Egypt declared that it had seen enough of Britain’s rule and declared a revolution. The Egyptian citizens were tired of a monarchy and desired pure democracy. With the help of the Soviet Union, the Free Officers Movement were able to depose King Farouk and establish Muhammad Naguib as their first president. Egypt has changed drastically for the better from this revolution.

The Egyptian Sistrum

In today’s world, we are easily able to listen to pre-recorded music on applications such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud. Popular music of today’s generation is created using computer generated sounds and audio. In prehistoric times, however, music was held much more sacred than it is today. It was a “gift from the gods” to be able to produce heavenly music. One of the instruments that the Egyptians created was the sistrum. It falls within the percussion family and has been assumed to be used in celebration of Bastet. Since Egypt has been a civilization for thousands of years, it has seen many transformations in music.

Ankh Brass Ankh Brass Large ( 3 1/2" x 6 1/2") For Altar Or ...

Quite possibly one of the most famous symbols of ancient Egypt is the Ankh. Historians claim that this was possibly one of the first hieroglyphic symbols as its origin dates all the way back to the 1st Dynasty. Although it is disputed, the overall consensus on the meaning of the Ankh is that it symbolizes life. When we talked in class about the significance of Egypt on Christianity, it is not surprising that the Christian cross looks very similar to the Ankh. In fact, the Coptic cross looks almost identical with the only main difference being the circularity of the loop. The Ankh has an oval loop while the Coptic cross has a completely circular shape.

My Personal Identity – Matt Wynne


Looking back at 2016, the Year of Surprises: Pope Francis

There is nothing I hold more sacred than my faith. I have been surrounded by Catholicism throughout my entire life. In fact, the University of Richmond is the first secular institution that I have ever attended. Although it is not significantly different, it feels abnormal to not be able to openly discuss my faith with people. I have found that many people simply aren’t willing to discuss this topic or they disagree heavily with my beliefs. I wear a cross pendant attached to a chain necklace as a constant reminder of my dedication to Catholicism. In my bedroom at home, I am surrounded by numerous Catholic icons including crosses, rosaries, and even a Pope Francis bobble-head on my nightstand. My faith has defined me in countless ways, and I consider its value priceless.

Cistercian Preparatory School

What would you think if I told you that I can name every single monk in this picture? My attendance at Cistercian Preparatory School has influenced my life in ways that I could never have expected. My “Form Master”, Fr. Ambrose (2nd Row, 4th from the Right), was tasked with mentoring my 41 classmates and I from when we started in 5th grade until we graduated in 2019. I would wholeheartedly consider him “a second father” to me, and he was there for us in the thick-and-thin. He guided us spiritually, taught us theology and latin, and even played sports with us during lunch period. Taking core classes and electives taught by Cistercian monks was definitely bizarre, but I would not have it any different way.


We may be getting a Texas flag emoji soon, but it might not be ...

Recently, I have noticed there are a significant number of stereotypes made about Texans. These can range from ludicrous to condescending. For example, some people believe that we only wear overalls and cowboy boots down here in the south; while others believe that we are inherently less intellectual. This is disappointing because Texas is a very special place to me. With its historical background, Texans experience many different cultural experiences. As Texas shares a border with Mexico and was once home to vaqueros, Hispanic culture surrounds our daily life. Whether it’s attending Quinceañeras or celebrating Dia de los Muertos, Hispanic culture is an inherent part of Texas life. I have even decided to minor in Spanish as a result of this.

The United States of America

Declaration of Independence (Trumbull) - Wikipedia

The United States is often described of as “The Land of Opportunity” or “The Melting Pot” because people of all backgrounds come here for a better life. We built this country on the idea of “freedom”. Freedom, however, means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To women, it could potentially mean freedom of oppression. To publicists and writers, it could potentially mean freedom to publish whatever they believe. To devotees, it could potentially mean freedom to believe in whatever they so wish. To me, it means freedom to do whatever I want with my life and to pursue whatever job interests me. I am thankful that America allows us with such liberties and I believe it is an inherent part of my identity.



You may be asking yourself “How can a fast-food restaurant possibly contribute to someone’s national identity?” Well, it is clear that you have never tasted a Whataburger hamburger or patty melt. Whataburger, however, is a part of my identity as a result of the countless memories I have made there with my teammates and friends. After every Friday night football game, my entire school flocks to the restaurant in order to celebrate our victory together. We would spend hours upon hours in those booths laughing and talking with each other. When they would lock the doors at 11 o’clock, we would open the tailgates of our trucks and continue celebrating. It was our school’s tradition, and it became a part of every student’s life. In fact, my entire grade went to the Whataburger before our graduation party commenced.

Brighton & Hove Albion F.C.

Brighton & Hove Albion FC News, Fixtures & Results 2019/2020 ...

A majority of American kids grow up watching the NFL, NBA, and MLB. I fell in love with a different sport, however. I would attend F.C. Dallas games growing up, and I even got to be a ball boy when they played the New York Red Bulls. Recently, I have gotten into the English Premier League and the soccer club Brighton & Hove Albion in particular. Before COVID-19, I would spend my mornings watching EPL matches as well as the Champions League. When I first became a fan of European soccer, I didn’t want to choose a football club that was already dominating. After watching Brighton & Hove Albion play, I knew I had found the right team.

Cistercian Hawks Football

Cistercian Preparatory School

Joining the Cistercian Hawk football program has had a profound impact on my life. Although the coaching staff was hired to coach us into being a winning football team, they did not forget the importance of molding us into exceptional student athletes. They coached us in life as well as on the field. They stressed the importance of punctuality and respect. Coach Burk, my head coach, used to say “Be great at the things that take no talent.” You don’t need to have years of practice or talent to be respectful, to be punctual, and to give all of your effort. As a member of my team’s leadership council, it was my duty to instill our motto on the team. We lived our lives by the acronym “E.A.T.” meaning effort, excellence, attitude, aggressiveness, toughness, teamwork. The idea was that these will help you succeed both on and off the field.


Microsoft Game Studios' Phil Spencer Takes Charge of Xbox – Variety

When I received my first Xbox in December 2015, it did not take very long for me to be hooked. When the school bus dropped me off, I would run to my house and get on my Xbox as soon as I could. I would spend my entire afternoon playing Fifa 15 and NBA 2K15 online in “Xbox Live Parties”. In school, there wasn’t any time to have fun with each other. Xbox allowed us to really bond and get to know each other outside of school. With COVID-19 sweeping the nation, my high school friends and I have found ourselves doing the exact same thing five years later. Even after all going to separate colleges, we are still as close as ever.

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock - Wikipedia

“There is no terror in the bang, only the anticipation of it”

The role cinema plays in our society is very underappreciated. When we are growing up, we self-consciously emulate the characters we see on television and in movies. Topics such as this one were frequently discussed in one of my high school electives that focused on the film-maker Alfred Hitchcock. We would analyze his movies frame-by-frame, and try to understand the reason he used a certain camera angle or a specific lighting. By the end of the course, I had watched almost all of Hitchcock’s movies. This class has completely shifted the way I watch cinema, however. I used to only focus on the dialogue and the characters during movies, but now I look at the smaller details such as “macguffins” or certain camera angles. Out of all of Hitchcock’s movies, I enjoyed “I Confess” the most. Although it is one of his lesser known works, I found the plot to be one of the most entertaining that I have seen.

Theta Chi Fraternity

Theta Chi Fraternity | Rider University

By joining a Greek-life organization, you are condemning yourself to a significant amount of scrutiny from the public. All throughout the United States there are people fighting for the removal of fraternities and sororities on college campuses. Unfortunately, these activists fail to acknowledge the positives of joining the Greek-life system. Joining Theta Chi Omicron this semester has had an extremely positive impact on my life. I have created friendships with fellow brothers that will last an eternity. Before I rushed Theta Chi, I was pretty intent on transferring schools. Once I joined, however, the gaping hole was suddenly filled by this community. Without the Greek-life system, specifically my fraternity, I may not have been coming back next year. Theta Chi has definitely impacted my life for the better.

Billy Joel

Top 10 Billy Joel Songs

Quite possibly the greatest musician of our time, Billy Joel has had a profound impact on my life. I was enthralled by his music from the moment I first heard it. The reason I enjoy his music so much is the power behind his lyrics. He doesn’t always write what people want to hear but rather what people need to hear. Interestingly, his music extends from melancholic to cheerful and everywhere in between. Whatever mood I am currently in, there is always a Billy Joel song that will fit just right. Personally, my all-time favorite song by him is “Only the Good Die Young”. If you are familiar with this song, you know that it has pretty anti-Catholic remarks. How can I hold my religion so sacred and at the same time support a song that bashes it? Well, the message Billy is trying to share with his listeners is not simply that Catholicism is bad. Instead, he is stressing the importance of living our life to the fullest even if it means disobeying religious dogma once in a while.

My Family

My family has always supported my interests as well as pushing myself to discover my identity on my own. Although they aren’t passionate about most of the things on the list, they still encourage me to do whatever makes me happy. I am very thankful to have their support. My family has always motivated me to strive for excellence in everything to do, and they are always there for me if I don’t succeed. They have molded me into the man that I am today, and I will forever be grateful for them.