My Egyptian Identity

The Book of the Dead

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day ...

The Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian text that is made up of a collection of spells that are believed to protect and guide a soul through their afterlife. The Book is written on papyrus scrolls and is put in the tombs of the dead. This is important because it determined the way ancient Egyptians lived their lives because they wanted to have a happy afterlife. For example, many Egyptians would willingly spend their whole lives building the Pyramids because they believed that their hard work would be rewarded by the Gods.


Islam | Islam Ahmadiyya

The Muslim conquest in Egypt took place around 640 AD and Islam is the main religion in Egypt today. Islam was founded by Prophet Muhammad who was known as God’s messenger. Today, Muslims follow the 5 pillars of Islam which include a Hajj to Mecca, fasting during Ramada, prayer 5 times a day, charity, and profession of faith. There are many sects of Islam, but there are mostly similarities other than some religious practices and belief of the line of succession. Most of Egypt is made up of Sunni Muslims and Islam is an important aspect of Egyptian’s lives.


Hieroglyphic writing | Britannica

Hieroglyphics is a writing system which is composed of pictures and symbols used by Egyptians. They were believed to be the “words of Gods” and were used by priests. These were also seen written all over tombs, stones, papyrus scrolls, and pieces of artwork. It is such a unique writing system that people could not decipher it for a long time and many of the origins of it are still unknown today.

Ancient Egyptian Deities

Isis | History & Facts | Britannica

The Goddess pictured on the right is Isis who is the goddess of magic, motherhood, and love. She is also Osiris’ wife and sister. The God on the left is Osiris who is the God of the dead and ruler of the underworld. The Egyptians believed in many gods and goddesses who each had their own individual roles and powers. It was important to pray and please these Gods because they were believed to impact every aspect of their lives and their future in the afterlife. 


10 Little-Known Facts About Cleopatra - HISTORY

Cleopatra was a powerful woman in Egypt at a time where women were seen as inferior. She became queen at the age of 18, but was forced to exile due to conflicts with her brother. She ended up garnering a strong army and eventually took back her empire with Caesar, and later Mark Antony. She made strong alliances, defended her land, and expanded her dynasty. Cleopatra is seen in several movies today such as many versions of  “Antony and Cleopatra.”

Nile River

Nile River Map, Nile River Facts, Nile River History - Journey To ...

The Nile River provided Egyptians with many things that contributed to their survival. Most Egyptians lived near the Nile because Egypt was a very dry place that lacked rainfall, so the Nile provided water and rich nutrients to allow for agriculture. When the Nile would flood, it would leave behind fertile soil used to grow crops. Egyptians also had many natural barriers such as deserts, rivers, and the Mediterranean Sea which protected them from invasion.

Library of Alexandria

Library of Alexandria | Description, Facts, & Destruction | Britannica

The Library of Alexandria was in the city of Alexandria which was founded by Alexander the Great. It was one of the greatest libraries in the world filled with scholarly work made from papyrus scrolls. It was an incredible center for knowledge and innovation that was accessible to elite scholars who worked in fields such as astronomy, philosophy, geography, medicine, etc.

The Pyramids

Inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, Egypt | Britannica

The Pyramid of Giza is the oldest wonder in the 7 wonders of the world and the only one left standing. It has a height of almost 500 feet and a base of about 750 feet. Egyptian pyramids were made of millions of blocks of stones by the Egyptians who worked tirelessly to build them. The complexity of the architecture of the pyramids amaze me. The question of how these pyramids were really built remains, but the fact that they’re still standing shows how advanced Ancient Egyptian architecture was.

Hellenistic Period

Hellenistic Period of Egypt Timeline and Major Events

The Hellenistic Period was a time when Greek influence was spread throughout Egypt and attributed to Egypt’s conquest by Alexander the Great. After Alexander’s death, the Ptolemaic dynasty ruled for three centuries in which many Greek people were becoming involved in the government and their culture was being spread to the Egyptians. It was also a time where Greek art and literature flourished to different parts of the world.

Music and Dance

Egyptian Music & Dance

Music and dance have been around for a long time in Egypt, it’s believed that the goddess Hathor created music. It’s also believed that Osiris used music to bring the world together. Ancient Egyptian rituals incorporated music instruments, chanting, and dancing. In the Old Kingdom, instruments such as harps and flutes flourished. There were also dances used for religious purposes and these are seen in some tomb carvings. In modern day Egypt, belly dance is very popular and many Egyptians listen to genre Shaabi which is a mixture of folk and pop Arabic music.


BBC - Travel - Why 2020 is the year to visit Cairo

Cairo is the capital of Egypt and is is along the Nile. It’s a very populated city and contributes a lot to Egypt’s economy with the production of goods and trade. It houses many universities and is a center of learning and education. It is also a center for Egyptian culture and a place where many Arab movies are filmed.  It holds many famous historical structures, such the Giza Pyramids Complex and the Sphinx. This makes Cairo a big tourist attraction.

Ankh Ebros Small Crux Ansata Egyptian Golden Ankh Wall ...

The Ankh is a hieroglyphic symbol that means “life.” The symbol represents the sun, the Nile, and the delta. These are all things that Ancient Egyptians believed were the cores of life. In ancient art, Gods and Goddesses can be seen holding this figure. It’s believed to sustain and protect souls in the afterlife as well. It’s a famous symbol in Egypt and a part of people’s identities: it’s found in ancient art, people wear it as jewelry, and display it proudly.

My Personal/National Identity

The Nepal flag is important to my identity because it is where I was born and where my family is from. Even though I grew up in the United States, most of my family lives across the world. The Nepali flag is unique because it is the only flag in the world that is not rectangular. When I see the flag, it reminds me of how unique my country is and serves as a reminder to my roots. The sun and moon represent the royal dynasties that ruled in Nepal for hundreds of years. This is important because Nepal was ruled by a royal family until recently when they were overthrown during a Civil War. The blue on the flag represents peace and the red represents bravery. The flag hangs in my house and reminds me of where I’m from and the history of Nepal.

The American Civil War : 1860-1865 photo

The Civil War was a war between 1861-1865 in the United States between the Union (the North) and the Confederate (the South). The war was about slavery, but more importantly the economics behind it. The South relied on slaves for free labor in plantations. The Union defeated the South, but thousands of U.S. soldiers from both sides died. This war led to a lot of questions about the direction we were heading as a country and the debate about states rights versus federal power. I have lived in both the north and the south in the U.S. and it is interesting to see the differences in modern day. For example, living in North Carolina, so close to South Carolina, I remember when the Confederate flag was removed from the South Carolina house there was a lot of controversy in the South. I believe that it was the right thing to do because it was a symbol of pain and division during the War. The Civil War was an important part of the U.S. finding our identity and abolishing slavery.

Retire to North Carolina to find your ideal Community

My home, Charlotte, North Carolina, is important to me because I have spent most of my life here. I am lucky to have grown up in such a diverse city because it has allowed me to be more open-minded and make friends from different backgrounds. The oceans of North Carolina are beautiful and a vacation spot for my family every year. We also go hiking and camping in the Appalachian Mountains and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Even though I plan on moving to a big city on the West Coast after college, my suburban town in N.C. will forever hold a special place in my identity. 

Hinduism - Wikipedia

I grew up practicing Hinduism with my family. It is the worship of one deity, but we also pray to many other Gods and Goddesses. There is belief in a cycle of life, death, and reincarnation. Hindus believe that all forms of life have souls and that there is a never ending cycle of life. Hindus also believe in Karma in which previous lives determine how a form of life will reincarnate. My religion has had a positive impact in the way I have grown up and the person I am. It has taught me morals and values through stories of Gods and Goddesses. There are many traditions and rituals that we follow to pray to the Gods and wish for a peaceful life. It is a part of my life that unites my family and close friends together during the holidays. 

The Tribal Poison in America's Melting Pot | Watching America

The United States is a melting pot because of all of the different cultures, religions, races, and backgrounds of people. It reflects all of the immigrants that have come to the United States who built the backbone of this country. In the U.S., we have a mix of different beliefs and values, yet people are still more united than divided. Some countries, such as Nepal, there is not much diversity between people, most people are the same race and follow the same religion. For the most part, the U.S. is open-minded to differences, but there is still work to do to ensure equality for minorities, women, and low-income groups.

The Viral Photo of Mount Everest: The Untold Accounts of the ...

Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world and is located in Nepal. When I lived in Nepal, I could see Everest from my house. Climbers train for years to attempt to climb this mountain which brings a lot of tourism to Nepal. It’s a task of a lifetime as only the best will be able to accomplish such a challenge. This mountain was a part of my childhood and even today I love to hike and camp out in the mountains of North Carolina.

The Boston Tea Party (article) | Khan Academy

The Boston Tea Party was a part of the American Revolution in which Americans demanded independence from the mother country, Britain. It was a political protest by a group known as the Sons of Liberty in Boston in 1773. Hundreds of tea chests were thrown into the waters by the Sons of Liberty disguised as Native Americans. This was in response to the Tea Act which was high taxes put on tea along with taxes on other goods. The colonists were done being taken advantage of and chanted “no taxation without representation.” This was one protest in a series of events which led to our independence from Britain through the Declaration of Independence.

Statue of Liberty blueprints discovered, showing last-minute ...

The Statue of Liberty is an influential figure because it represents freedom and liberty.  It was gifted to us by France, an ally during the Revolutionary War. It was a symbol of welcome to millions of immigrants into the United States. When people arrived in the U.S., they would see the statue and it was a sign that they had arrived at their destination. It’s a symbol of the American Dream which is the belief that America is the land of opportunity and that people could achieve a successful life if they worked hard enough. It reflects a better life and freedom for those who fled their country to come here and start over. Trends International Bill of Rights U.S.A Wall Poster ...

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to our Constitution. This is what gives Americans our civil rights and liberties. I believe that the most important amendment is the first amendment which allows people to express free speech, press, religion, and assemble for protests. This is important because a lot of early settlers came to the United States for religious freedom and to escape persecution from countries that were not tolerant. In the U.S., people have the right to practice any religion, express their voices freely, and protest against things they believe need to be changed. This makes the U.S. unique because people can speak their mind freely without being scared of retaliation from the government. The Bill of Rights gives us our individual rights that no one can take away. 

No, Hollywood Does Not Rule Los Angeles. Let Us Explain ... - LA ...

Hollywood is a place in California that is widely known for the center of film creation and entertainment. I visited last summer and seeing the Hollywood sign made me and feel in awe knowing that so many of the movies I admired were created there. It’s a representation of creativity and a place where many of the world’s famous actors reside. The Hollywood Walk of Fame is where famous stars get their name cemented on the sidewalk. It shows how much talent we have in our movie industry. Movies are a big part of our culture because people are brought together by the love of a good movie. There is so much variety in the film industry, as there is in our country, ranging from action to romance. I find that talking to people about movies and television shows in common brings people together.

Fun Family Traditions to Start This Thanksgiving

If there’s one thing all Americans love – its food and family. Thanksgiving is a holiday that was originated by the “First Thanksgiving” by Pilgrims who harvested and shared a feast. Today, it is a time when we get to go home, be reunited with family members all over the country, and share a good meal together. I believe that time spent with loved ones makes for the best memories. It’s a time of the year where I get to reflect on my gratitude for the people in my life.

Dred Scott Case - Decision, Definition & Impact - HISTORY

Dred Scott vs. Sandford was a case established the precedent, for a long time, that African-Americans were not citizens so the constitution did not apply to them. Slaves built this country and their free labor is what allowed the economy to be what it is today. African-Americans were treated as less than human as seen by this court ruling. Even after slavery was abolished, Jim Crow laws and segregation continued for a long time to prevent the equality of African-Americans. There is controversy behind reparations, but I believe that it’s necessary to pay back all descendants of slaves because our economy would be nothing it is today without their ancestors. Today, effects of slavery are still seen through racism and discrimination of African-Americans. It’s a painful part of our history, but needs to be taught more in-depth so that we can fix the inequality that is still deeply rooted in our institutions such as with the criminal justice system.