FYS Egypt Final Project – National Identity

How the American Flag Became a Threat | Time
The American flag is a symbol of the United States and freedom, it is important to the identity of every American for the meaning it represents.
Flag of Norway - Wikipedia
The Norwegian flag is also important to my identity because my mother and her entire side of my family is from Norway and all of my life my family has celebrated Norwegian traditions because of our close relation to our family that still lives there.
Flag of Greece - Wikipedia
Similar to the previous flags, the Greek flag is also important to my identity because of my heritage on my dad’s side of our family, I also have a Greek name thanks to my father so I have great respect for this side of my family.
Abraham Lincoln | The White House
I could have chosen many different presidents, but Abraham Lincoln is the embodiment of many American values and an important historical figure to our history. By setting up the lifestyle and government policies we live by today, this president makes the list for representing national identity.
National Football League - Wikipedia
The most watched national sport in America and my favorite to watch as well. This is important to national identity because almost every person I know watches NFL games and sets up their time during the season around the timing of games.
American Food. Fast Food. Top View Stock Photo, Picture And ...
When I think of American cuisine I think of tasty deep fried anything, or a large piece of meat, though this is not the only true thing about American cuisine this is the stereotypical idea of American food and it represents my tastes and preferences.
US military in Germany: What you need to know | Germany| News and ...
National identity for most Americans comes with pride for our military, the power and influence our country has on the world around it is a selling point for most Americans and how they think of themselves. Where in the world would you and your family be safer than in the US?


How do they celebrate Christmas in Norway? - Norwegian Christmas ...
Personally, the Julenissen is important to my identity because every year my family celebrates Norwegian Christmas which takes place on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas day. Trolls are the symbols used in a Norwegian Christmas celebration.
American music is known all over the world and the Grammys are the celebration of American music so I thought that this could represent the music that is crucial in both my own and the national identity of American culture in the modern age.
Vector Stock Of America Flag Inside Speech Bubble, Speaking ...
The identity of Americans is largely based on what language they speak because so many different languages are spoken from place to place. Personally I speak Norwegian with my family at home although I only speak english outside of my house. Therefore language is also a large part of my identity.
The identity of each American is dependent on their religious beliefs, this does not impact how they are accepted in American life and culture. Though I am not religious whatsoever, most people I know are and they each follow different religions something that shows true American identity.


Top 10 North American Brands | Top 10 | Business Chief Canada
Branding and capitalism are large pieces of American identity. Everyone cares about what brands you support, and what you wear as it depicts the type of person you are. Personally, brands represent my own identity because what I choose to buy and support shows more about me than anything else I choose to say and do.