Egyptian National Identity – John Collier


Life and Balance Ankh Necklace - Ancient Treasures

The ankh has always been at the root of ancient Egyptian history. It is a symbol of life and one’s time on Earth as well as in the afterlife. I believe the ankh is also at the core of Egyptian culture to this day. People may not believe in ancient Egyptian Gods or the Egyptian afterlife anymore but it is still a part of their important history. Many things other than flags can also act as national symbols and the ankh is one of them.

Egyptian Flag

A look at Egyptian flags in the past 200 years

Just as the American flag is extremely important to national pride, I would imagine the Egyptian flag is as well. The colors all have meaning too. The black represents the period of foreign occupation. The white represents peace. The red represents the bloody sacrifices of Egyptian martyrs. Lastly, the eagle of Saladin represents strength. All of these values provide great remembrances for the Egyptian people in forming their national identity associated with their homeland.


Jokowi Heads to Mecca for Pilgrimage as Indonesia Vote Nears ...

Egypt’s most prominent religion by far is Islam. A key aspect of the Islamic faith is the hajj- a trip once in your lifetime to Mecca. Each time you pray as Muslim, too, you face the Kaaba which is the black cube at the center of Mecca. Religion affects the identity of all people and in Egypt, I would think most of the citizens consider Islam a major part of their identity (if they are religious).


In Ancient Egypt, cats were mummified and buried with jewelry, and ...

Back in ancient Egyptian times, cats were extremely respected. This is because they were believed to be good luck and a representation of the cat goddess Bastet. Cats were even mummified back in ancient times. Today, I believe that though modern-day Egyptians don’t hold cats in the same regard, they still see cats as friends and worthy of good lives. Architecture and hieroglyphics of the animal probably influenced this as well as general domestication. Ancient Egyptian history undoubtedly corresponds with cultural identity and cats are very much a part of that history.

Pyramids of Giza

Egyptian pyramids - Wikipedia

It’s impossible to think of Egypt and not think of the Pyramids of Giza. They are an architectural feat and a landmark across the globe. Such devotion and success in these projects emit a sense of wonder. I would think that Egyptians take immense pride in these steadfast pyramids and incorporate them into their national identity. Just as the Statue of Liberty is important to the United States, the pyramids serve as a unifying structure that displays the strength and resilience of Egypt.

Nile River

Nile - Wikipedia

Though Egypt doesn’t rely on the Nile River like it did during ancient times, it is still an important staple in the Egyptian landscape. It’s the longest river in the world and provided life for millions of people over the years. Many of the dead were buried on the West Bank of the Nile because ancient Egyptians believed the afterlife was in the West. Your home contributes to your identity. For many Egyptians, the Nile was a second home. The Nile’s fertile ground was the birthplace of prosperity in Egypt. Today, the Nile is still fertile, and it is still quintessential in Egypt’s identity.


CNN publishes ad promoting tourism to Egypt - Egypt Today

Tourism is huge in Egypt. Every day there are thousands of tourists who came to Egypt to see places like the pyramids, the sphynx, and other ancient Egyptian architecture. To an Egyptian, this is a part of everyday life and instrumental in the country’s economy. Society in Egypt thrives on the money of tourists and the curiosity of people coming from distant lands. It also encourages citizens to learn more about their country’s history in order to act as tour guides or unfortunately scam unbeknownst visitors with fake relics. Regardless, tourism fills a huge portion of societal identity.


Cleopatra not most beautiful, but capable woman ruler': Historian ...

Cleopatra is perhaps the most famous Egyptian ruler. This is mostly because of the various movies made about her life and love affairs with the likes of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. At the end of the day, she is extremely prominent in Egyptian history and culture. Her beauty and smarts have been remembered to this day and it is figures like her who are figureheads of Egyptian history. Identity is shaped by historical figures. Cleopatra is one of the most well known historical figures not only in Egypt but in the whole world.


Egyptian Scarab Tattoo | LoveToKnow

The scarab was a vital symbol in ancient Egypt. It symbolized the restoration of life and the cycle of birth. In more modern times, the scarab has become a popular pendant on necklaces in Egypt just like the Ankh. I think that many Egyptians probably feel a connection to their history and attempt to tap into it by wearing symbols on their body.


Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics Alphabet

Language is truly beautiful. It allows us to communicate, collaborate, and learn. Hieroglyphics is the first known language of ancient Egypt. It can be found all over Egyptian architecture and monuments that are still standing. This presence allowed current day people to learn about what daily life was like thousands of years ago (using the Rosetta Stone). On top of this, hieroglyphics are infinitely more interesting than ordinary alphabets. The pictures give even more sense as to what symbols and objects were important to Egyptians. I’d imagine Egyptians grow up proud to have been so close to such a beautiful language.

Coptic Orthodox Church

Saint Marks Coptic Orthodox Cathedral of Alexandria, Egypt ...

Although most Egyptians are Sunni Muslims, there are still Christians in the country. The vast majority of these Christians belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church which is located in Alexandria. Religion can always be related back to cultural identities and Christianity plays just as big a role in Egyptian history as Islam. The Egyptian Christians have most likely grown up learning about their religion’s roots and influences whether they be architectural, political, or societal.


Egypt football team in world cup (With images) | World cup, Fifa ...

Just like every country that isn’t the United States, people absolutely adore football (soccer) in Egypt. Every-year football leagues and more occasional events like the Olympics provide a platform for athletes to represent their countries. Sports are a great unifier for countries that otherwise wouldn’t be able to understand each other. Every kid sees their favorite stars and believes they can be just like them. They believe that one day they can wear their nation’s colors and try to win something for their people. And so a part of their identity becomes their love for the sport but more notably, what the sport does to show off their home and their way of life.