Lesson 8


This lesson covers the following concepts:

  • Dissociation of acids to release H+
  • Examples of acids
  • pKa and strength of an acid
  • The basics of protein structure – how proteins fold
  • The effect of acid on the interactions that help proteins fold

The readings for this lesson are from The Science of Cooking:

  • 1.3.5 – pH and the pH scale
  • 1.3.7 – Protein structure
  • 1.3.8 – protein denaturation
  • Figure 5.5 – Protein structure
  • 4.7.3 – Alcohol fermentation

Lecture Videos

Videos Slides
8.1 Acid and pKa 8.1 Acids and pKa
8.2 pH 8.2 pH
Where’s the acid?
Protein Structure Review
Protein Shape
8.3 Protein Denaturing 1 8.3 protein denaturing 1
8.4 Protein Denaturing 2 8.3 protein denaturing 2

Post Video Check-In Questions:  http://blackboard.richmond.edu/ 

The questions embedded in the lesson are formative – that is, they test your comprehension and understanding, but they are graded for completion. You can access them here Blackboard under “Check-Ins”.


Recommended by not graded:

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