Lesson 5


This lesson covers the following concepts:

  • Wheat flour contains glutenin and gliadin proteins
  • Glutenin and gliadin are individual proteins (with distinct 3-dimensional shapes) that form gluten when mixed with water and kneaded.
  • The % of protein (and therefore glutenin and gliadin) in wheat flour correlates with the strength of the dough made

The readings for this lesson are from The Science of Cooking:

  • 10.1 (Introduction) through 10.4 (Wheat Protein and Gluten Formation) p. 343-350
  • 10.6 – Control of Gluten formation

Lecture Videos

Videos Slides
5.1 Protein and Bread 5.1 Protein and Bread
5.2 More About Glutenin and Gliadin 5.2 More About Glutenin and Gliadin
Understanding Different Flours
Flaky Pie Crust
Science of Bread Making

Post Video Check-In Questions:  http://blackboard.richmond.edu/ 

The questions embedded in the lesson are formative – that is, they test your comprehension and understanding, but they are graded for completion. You can access them here Blackboard under “Check-Ins”.


Recommended by not graded:

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