Lesson 17


This lesson covers the following concepts:

  • Sugar sweetness
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Foam and Colloids
  • Ice Cream
  • Caramelization

The readings for this lesson are from The Science of Cooking:

  • – Sugars are carbohydrates (p. 35-44)
  • 6.6 (Caramelization) p. 209-217
  • 13.1 (Intro) through 13.5 (Liquid Syrup Sweeteners) p. 469 -477

Lecture Videos and Slides

Videos Slides
17.1 Lactose and Other Sugars 17.1 Sugars and Lactose
Evolution of lactose tolerance
17.3 Foam, Colloids, and Ice Cream 17.3 Foams Colloids and Ice Cream
Science of ice cream
Freezing point depression

Post Video Check-In Questions:  http://blackboard.richmond.edu/ 

The questions embedded in the lesson are formative – that is, they test your comprehension and understanding, but they are graded for completion. You can access them here Blackboard under “Check-Ins”.

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