Lesson 13


This lesson covers the following concepts:

  • Custards (protein denaturation and coagulation under dilute conditions)
  • Egg white foams (including use of acid, copper and aging)
    • Cream of tartar
    • Disulfide bond formation
    • Ovalbumin > S-ovalbumin
  • Green eggs

The readings for this lesson are from The Science of Cooking:

    • 9.8 (Custards) through 9.9 (Egg Foams) p. 329-336
    • 9.9 Egg Pasteurization
    • 9.11 (Heating Egg Protein…)

Lecture Videos and Slides

Videos Slides
13.1 Eggs 13.1 eggs
13.2 Eggs and Denaturation 13.2 eggs denaturation
Cooking Eggs 13.3 cooking eggs
The Perfect Egg
Cooking Eggs Part 2 13.4 cooking eggs part 2_Part1 13.4 cooking eggs part 2_Part2
Do Yolk and Grease Really Ruin Egg Whites for Beating?

Post Video Check-In Questions:  http://blackboard.richmond.edu/ 

The questions embedded in the lesson are formative – that is, they test your comprehension and understanding, but they are graded for completion. You can access them here Blackboard under “Check-Ins”.


Recommended by not graded:

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