Final Project Part 3

Final Project Recipe & Blog

Due June 17th
Submitting final blog

You can read about the entire Final Project here: The Final Project

Final Project Blog Entry

To this assignment link, you must submit your polished blog entry (one like The Kitchn or Serious Eats) in which you make the dish, document steps with images and video and give chemical explanations for important elements. On your blog entry, you will need…

  • A typed introduction in which you discuss the signature outcomes of the recipe you chose. You developed these outcomes in FP: Part 1
  • A minimum of 5 images documenting the process, but you will need to decide how many images you need to effectively document what you are trying to accomplish
  • Two videos –Upload to YouTube then embed in your blog
  • A process video in which you document something you are doing during the recipe where a chemical change is occurring
  • A conclusion video in which you show the finished product and point out three signature outcomes that are demonstrated by the prepared recipe.
  • A complete narrative in which all the steps of the recipe are accounted for, with images and video interspersed effectively.
  • Three independent chemical explanations for three different parts of the recipe that are interspersed in the narrative at the appropriate time.  You drafted these in FP: Part 2
  • A summary of the ingredients, materials, and instructions in a concise, easy-to-read format that appears somewhere else on the page (typically at the bottom) or this can be a link to a new page.

I reserve the right to change the allocation of points between items ~KN

Lab FP_Part 3: final blog post

Criteria Pts



  • You will need to decide how many images you need to effectively document what you are trying to accomplish


  • Is the video depicting a chemical change?
  • Does the student explain what the chemical change is?






Three independent chemical explanations for three different parts of the recipe that are interspersed in the narrative at the appropriate time.



Three independent chemical explanations for three different parts of the recipe that are interspersed in the narrative at the appropriate time.



Three independent chemical explanations for three different parts of the recipe that are interspersed in the narrative at the appropriate time.




This summary appears somewhere on the page (typically at the bottom) or this can be a link to a new page.



Total points: 100

Go to Final Project Overview

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Lab FP_Part 3: final blog post

Criteria Pts

3.0 pts



  • You will need to decide how many images you need to effectively document what you are trying to accomplish
7.0 pts


  • Is the video depicting a chemical change?
  • Does the student explain what the chemical change is?
4.0 pts


6.0 pts


5.0 pts


Three independent chemical explanations for three different parts of the recipe that are interspersed in the narrative at the appropriate time.

5.0 pts


Three independent chemical explanations for three different parts of the recipe that are interspersed in the narrative at the appropriate time.

5.0 pts


Three independent chemical explanations for three different parts of the recipe that are interspersed in the narrative at the appropriate time.

5.0 pts




This summary appears somewhere on the page (typically at the bottom) or this can be a link to a new page.

5.0 pts


Total points: 45
