Final Project Part 2

  1. Draft your Blog Entry (Not Optional)
  2. Recipe Practice (optional)
  • Due June 9 Points: 10

You can read all about the Final Project here: The Final Project This assignment will be slightly different than all the other labs we’ve done. 

For this assignment you MAY “practice” the recipe you are going to make for your final project.  Whether or not you practice is entirely up to you. 

What do you need to turn in:

A Word or PDF of your polished blog entry in which…

    • You have the ingredients and the instructions formatted for different parts of the recipe.
    • The chemical explanations must be independent – that is, you can’t do gluten three times…got it?

Lab FP: Part 2 – Final Project—Draft of your Blog

Criteria Pts

Drafts of three chemical explanations that correspond to different parts of the recipe.

7.5 pts

Details of ingredients, materials, and instructions

2.5 pts

Total Points:  10.0

Submit PDF in Final Project Submissions

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Lab FP: Part 2 – Final Project—Draft of your Blog

Criteria Pts

Drafts of three chemical explanations.

Independent explanations that go to different parts of the recipe.

7.5 pts


Ingredients, Materials, and Instructions

2.5 pts


Total Points:  10.0