Final Project Part 1

Lab FP: Part 1- Choose the recipe and develop outcomes

Due date : May 30, 2021 by 11:59pm

  • Due Date: May 30, 2o22
  • Points: 15
  • Submitting: via Final Project Submission on Blackboard
  • File Types:  pdf
  1. Choose a recipe to make that you are interested in. The difficulty of the recipe factors into how highly you can score on the rubric. When you submit the recipe, indicate which level (Basic, Moderate or Advanced) you think it is.
      • Advanced: Recipe has multiple components (i.e. you have to make more than one thing), using two or more techniques. The recipe uses one or more techniques that we have not done in lab thus far.
      • Moderate: Recipe has multiple components (i.e. you have to make more than one thing) OR the recipe has one component uses techniques that you have not done in lab thus far.
      • Basic: Recipe has one component and uses techniques we already done in lab.
  2. Provide the ingredients and directions for the recipe you will follow. Include references – see below. 
  3. Define characteristic high quality outcomes in the three areas below and provide at least two images (with references) from separate sources depicting a successful outcome of the recipe. Cite your sources on how you came up with your characteristic outcomes. For example, perhaps you are following an Ina Garten recipe from the Food Network, or perhaps your Grandma is your resource for a family recipe. Either way, what standard are you measuring yourself against.
    • Color
    • Texture
    • Flavor

For Example, if this were lemon meringue pie…

  1. Color
    1. lightly browned meringue topping that is opaque, white and fluffy,
    2. opaque yellow custard
    3. lightly browned crust
  2. Texture
    1. Meringue is tall and airy, homogenous texture, little to no “weeping” (dripping of liquid”), the meringue is swirled and the tips/edges are lightly browned. The meringue has a slightly firm, spongy texture.
    2. Custard is thick, not runny, but not pasty. It is smooth and homogenous throughout.
    3. firm, slightly crunchy, but easily breakable crust – thin, but not too thin
  3. Flavor
    1. Meringue is slightly sweet and dissolves on the tongue
    2. Custard is creamy, tangy and sweet – not too floury (from the cornstarch thickener) and not too gelatinous.
    3. Crust is sweet, slightly crunchy, should not taste floury or doughy

Example images and references: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

  • “The topping should be crunchy above, fluffy and marshmallow-like below”
  • ” the filling must tread a delicate line between balancing the sugary meringue above, and taking the roof off your mouth”



Final Proj Recipe – Part 1

Criteria Pts

Choose recipe and define difficulty

2.0 pts


Two images (with references)

2.0 pts


Outcomes: Color

2.5 pts


Outcomes: Texture

2.5 pts


Outcomes: Flavor

2.5 pts


References for outcomes

2.0 pts


Ingredients and Instructions for recipe

1.5 pts


Total Points: 15.0