Course Information


How is a summer course different from a regular semester course?

The summer version of the Chemistry of Cooking is perhaps even more challenging because 15 weeks of class are compressed into a 5-week period. You must plan for 25-30 hours of work PER WEEK for CHEM 114 in the summer.

I want to be sure you clearly understand this reality. Given the shorter timeline of the summer course there is little room for error. For example, you have two days to “drop” the course after the Summer 5-week session begins. I would prefer if you preview the course materials and timeline and if you choose to drop – please do so before the start of the class on May 17th. There are many other students who want a seat in the class.

Some common questions:

  • I have a vacation planned during the Summer, can I still take the course? Possibly, if you take a few days and complete labs at you vacation spot (if the vacation spot has a kitchen).your vacation spot has internet access.
  • What if I get sick or have a family emergency – are extension possible? Yes – illness and family emergency are handled on a case by case basis – but I must reiterate, the timeline of a 5- week class is short. Extensions of 1-2 days are possible, but extensions of 1 week are not. 

How is the online course different the on-campus course?

In the on-campus course, you would sit in my classroom twice a week. You would be able to raise your hand during a class and ask a question and easily work on problems with other students in the class right from your seat. You would take exams while sitting in a classroom, and you would conduct lab in our laboratory.

In the online course, we don’t have any synchronous class meetings. This makes the online course really flexible because you can access the lessons whenever and wherever you want. You can work on things at a pace you are most comfortable with. You are able to work in your own kitchen, using your own kitchen supplies and equipment. You have more freedom to choose the labs you want to do and to eat all the food when you’re done!

How is an online, summer course the same as the on-campus semester-long course?

While the methods differ, the courses have equal amounts of instruction and assessment.

How will lab work during the online, summer course?

During our online, summer course you will conduct labs in your own kitchen, with your own supplies and materials – and you get to eat all the food when you are done!

  1. Choices – each lab comes with two options. Choose the one that appeals to you. If you have severe food allergies or other objections, choose the lab that avoids ingredients you are allergic/object to. More complicated than that? Email me and I will help you figure out labs to accommodate your food allergies or objections.
  2. Your kitchen – You must have an oven, a stovetop and a microwave. A food processor and stand mixer are helpful – but not essential. Basic kitchen tools like knives, bowls, measuring spoons and cups, baking sheets, cutting boards, strainer etc are necessary. It is not necessary to buy any kitchen tools or appliances – if the lab says you need something that is not in your kitchen, let me know and I will help you figure out a replacement using what you have. You are responsible for acquiring the ingredients for each recipe you choose. Store/generic brands are fine.
  3. Drop the lowest – With the exception of the final project, you can “drop” 1 lab.
  4. Have fun! – you will be documenting your lab experiences on a blog you create (see this page for more info: Blog for documenting cooking labs. Be yourself and be creative.