Setting up your blog.

Important note:  Blackboard does not work well with Safari; please use Chrome or Firefox.

Writing a Cooking Blog

A food/cooking blog is about bringing your readers into your process. Typically, text is integrated with images in a first person narrative.

Here are a few  food blogs for inspiration:


To set up your Blog:

1) Go to “Blogs” on Blackboard.

2) Find the blog the assignment name and submit your blog. The video below walks you through how to make a blog entry.

3) Videos:

  • If you don’t already have one, you will need to create a YouTube page for your videos and including as an embedded video in your blog. You can set the videos to be unlisted on YouTube so that they cannot be searched.

4) Pictures

  • Do NOT use images that are in the .HEIC format (those created on an iPhone or iPad. Blackboard requires the reader to download each file, one at a time, to view. Rather, save as .png, .jpg, or .jpeg.
  • Embed your pictures; do not add as attachments. To do so, click the icon shown below:

  • This will allow you select your image.

  • You can adjust the size of your picture once it is embedded by dragging the boxes in the corners of the image.

  • Best way to embed your video is to first upload to YouTube. Then can embed in the same way as you embedded your photos. There is an option to upload YouTube video. (Note: You do not need to use YouTube. Other options are available.)

  • You will get the option to search for your video. You can use the title or link to search. In this example, I searched for Gordon Ramsey. I picked one by clicking select.

  • You will then have options on how you would like it to appear in your posting.

  • I chose embed video and it will look like this.

  • When I post my blog, the text above the video will not be included. See below.