
This class is divided into five modules that correlate readings and assignments into coherent segments. Each modules generally includes the following:

  • Lecture notes, generally posted or embedded as Panopto videos
  • Links to texts of different types (written, visual, multimedia) to review before completing assignments
  • Assigned responses to texts you should post as comments
  • Original blog posts that apply what you’ve learned to specific problems or ideas
  • Reactions to others’ posts and responses, posted as threaded comments
  • Communication project assignment to complete by a deadline
  • Tickets out for providing feedback on the module

You’re welcome to work ahead on modules, but you should not skip modules. Complete the modules in the order they are presented because each module introduces knowledge and skills that will be used in a future module. Each module has its own due dates; work in each module will rely on previous module content and contribute to future module assignments.

Image source: Pixabay