Self-care :’)

As a first year, it’s easy to get wrapped up in finding your niche, making friends, and practically starting an whole new life. This activity allowed me to take a step back and take a breather. I normally don’t directly do “self-care” like face-masks and mani-pedis or something. But to decompress for a bit, I did the following:

Talked to family and best friend. As stated, it’s easy to get wrapped up in new friends and focuss on trying to find “your people” here. Taking just a few minutes to check up on “my people” back home reminded me of my roots while also significantly boosting my mood. For the duration of the talks, I forgot about the whirlwind of UR around me and got to decompress.

Grey’s Anatomy: I think I’ve watched that show more times that I’d like to admit but it’s such a staple. Yeah it’s cheesy and yeah it’s basic but I always find myself going back to it. Like any other show, it allowed me to relax and forget about everything else.

Nap: Just a necessity to rejuvenate and ~conquer~ the day. 

(pictures to come)