
There’s no straight yes or no answer to being an effective storyteller. On a small scale, I think it’d be possible to accurately represent a group not embraced by the storyteller. But more generally, it would be difficult the accurately represent an identity one does not identify as. To accurately represent a group, the storyteller should show the joy and love on the good days but the pain and perseverance on the bad days. The latter, however, is often not represented. For example, Marlon Riggs explored this in the film Color Adjustment. While the introduction of African Americans to television was exciting, much criticism came with it. White producers were ignoring the racial hostility, leading the creation of two black Americas:  one “which confronted racial issues head on. And then there was the black America that you saw the rest of the evening on prime time television, where racial hostility was virtually absent, where harmony dictated the neighborhood, where there were no signs of any kinds of struggles with segregation”(Color Adjustment).This is a direct effect of the producer not being of the identity represented in the film. They turn a blind eye to the actualities of African American struggle, especially in the mid 20thcentury. Open TV provides a platform for those often misrepresented, such as African American in Color Adjustment,as it allows for indie producers to produce raw, truthful content.

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