A brief summary of NTEAP achievements include:
· Institutional Strengthening: 2 cross border projects with Egypt and Ethiopia; 6 projects under implementation in South Sudan
· Community-Level Land, Forests, and Water Conservation: Soil erosion studies to inform MB completed in Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Sudan; Regional micro grant strategy and operational manuel developed; National action plans developed and approved in all countries; total of 234 MG projects approved in all Nile Basin Countries
· Wetlands and Biodiversity: Training materials targeting five categories of stakeholders; 11 MG pilots on wetlands under implementation; 15 officers trained on wetland management
· Water Quality Monitoring: Prepared baseline reports and WQ training modules; Plan for institutionalizing and operating 5 transboundary monitoring stations prepared in consultation with the Directorate for Water Resources
· Environment Education and Awareness: 180 teachers trained on project based learning, at least 8 universities in 6 NBI countries approved and adopted the environmental modules based on Nile environment threats; 67 school projects finalized and utilized for learning
Further in-depth look of achievements organized by each state and target area available at: http://www.sd.undp.org/projects/en4.htm
A concrete example of environmental education and awareness
One of the contributions of the NTEAP towards the effort of conservation is the Nile River Awareness Kit (RAK). The Nile River Awareness Kit is a CD-ROM developed with aims to educating and heightening awareness about the environmental and political issues at stake, the science behind the processes occurring within the region, and the cultural impacts of the debated issues. The Awareness Kit has been praised by international organizations worldwide (cite NTEAP newsletters), and an introduction to the learning modules is available online that the Kit's website.